The Lying Detective (Part 5)

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You absentmindedly picked at the bandage around your arm, staring blankly at the wall in front of you. The sounds of people talking, machines whirring, and other indications of life were occurring all around you, but you hardly noticed. Your mind was preoccupied with the recent memories of the hospital incident.

"What's TD-12?"

"It's a memory inhibitor."


You looked down at the counter in front of you. You grabbed a towel and scrubbed at a stain, your arm going round and round in circles over the same area. The coffee stain you'd noticed there was long gone, but you hadn't yet realized. Your eyes slowly drifted back up to the wall. The tune of the haunting song echoed in your head, though the words were lost to you at the moment.

"I think you need to, er, tell your faithful little friends how you're wasting their time because you're too high to know what's real anymore."

"I apologize. I-I-I've miscalculated."

The blur of a figure walking past your line of sight caused you to blink. You quickly refocused, but your constant cleaning of the counter had now stopped.

"You're not her. You're not the woman who came to Baker Street."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Holmes, but...I don't think I've been anywhere near your flat."

You felt your arm tense up as you gripped the wet cloth tightly in anger.

"Watch him. He's got a knife."

"I've got a what?"

The cut on your left arm began to feel tingly. You picked at the bandage again.

"No, I saw him take it! I saw you take it!"

The image of Sherlock brandishing the scalpel out in front of him caused your heart rate to pick up.

"Stop laughing at me!"

You could still feel the moment when you had grabbed Sherlock. The impact with him had been less than gentle. Then, the scalpel had sliced across your arm. You gasped in the present as though you had experienced it all over again.
You were also brought full-force out of your thoughts as someone snapped his fingers in your face. You took a second to focus on the customer. As soon as you saw his unhappy expression and the cup in his hands, you knew you weren't going to enjoy this conversation.

"Yes?" You asked annoyedly.

The man set down his cup on the counter, causing a new splash of liquid to spill on the surface. You side-glanced the drop, gritting your teeth.

"I ordered coffee, and you gave me tea instead." He smiled bitterly at you.

You didn't bother to change your expression. You kept a straight face. "My apologies," You said in a monotone voice. "How did you want it?"

"Cream and two sugars."

You snatched the cup of tea off the counter, turned on your heel, and went to make his order. You dumped the tea out, then grabbed a coffee mug. As you picked up the coffee pot, your mind wandered again. You watched the stream of coffee pour into the mug, while your mind drifted away. You remembered the sound of John hitting Sherlock. When he punched him over and over again.

"What are you doing?! Wake up!"

"John stop!"

Tears stung your eyes as you stood in the coffee shop.

"Stop it!"

"Y/n!" The voice of your coworker snapped you out of your trance. You blinked rapidly and the tears went away. "You're spilling coffee everywhere!" She cried.

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