Chapter 19

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The horror in the god's eyes that he couldn't believe the portal of the underworld cracking and opening from the ground to send the evil out of the world. He had to do something to keep the humans safe. Placing his hand on the Little Angel's shoulder to get her attention. She can tell how scared he is and how scared she is too.

"You and your friend must defeat that creature without me"

She is aware of what he must do in order to save the humans and their angels. She squeezed his hand, signaling to him that everything was fine.

"Save us all"

He flew off towards the cracking underground portal to shut them close. Now this time it was Little Angel and Devil standing side by side between an evil who doesn't belong existing in the land of the living.

'He must be destroy'

They stood from each other, hesitating about who was going to make the first move. The Little Devil holds the Little Angel's hand and traces her index finger to the right on her palm to go 'right'. The Little Angel understood and nodded. In a separate way, the Little Angel went to the right and the Little Devil went to the left at a fast pace. The Shadow in Disguise had a curious look on his face of 'what are these two immortals doing?' But next thing you know, a sharp object went through the Shadow in the Disguise's stomach. As he turns to see who it was, the glance from his perspective is a wood sharp stab through his stomach. When he looks up, he notices the Little Angel flying through the air, her wings flapping back and forth. He can see the horror in her eyes knowing that he isn't dead....yet. He pulls out the spear from his stomach and throws it at the ground. The Little Angel needs to move as fast as she can but before she can fly off, a hard grip of her ankle pulls her down causing her to fall down to the ground. A sharp cut on her leg caused her to scream in pain but once more he cut her again. She couldn't release herself from the sharp pain on her legs of how much it was burning her. She couldn't move nor she couldn't speak. She wonders where the Little Devil when she needs her to save. He cuts her again and slowly the burns on her wound weakens her. Her body temperature starts to heat up as she starts to sweat and breathe heavily. Everywhere she sees starts to blur from her sight. She can see many wounds on her legs as she watches him raises his arm to cut her one last time.

The Little Devil came in and shoved the Shadow in Disguise from the side, pushing him to fly off besides her. The Little Angel gasps in relief to see her best friend come to save the day. Takes her whole strength to crawl her way out of a battle between her best friend and the creature fighting to the death. The scars still burn but she immediately covers them with her long white gown. She stands up groaning in pain when she feels a hard leather on her hand. She looks over to see half of the book burn. She looks at her friend strangling the Shadow in Disguise and the god struggling to close the portal. She clenches the dirt on the ground and from the top of her lungs. She shouted.

"The book is still not burn!"

The surprise to see the god blue ocean eyes meets the Little Angel to see her raising the half burn book in the air while waving it side to side.


The Shadow in Disguise pushes the Little Devil to the tree and goes after the Little Angel. The Little Devil flew off and hit her head on a tree and everything went out. She could hear the Shadow in Disguise running footsteps towards the Little Angel. The Little Devil has to get up to save the Little Angel. Her best friend. Her home. She slowly opens her eyes and witnesses in slow motion seeing the Shadow in Disguise lifting his hand with a spear while the Little Angel scream in horror. The Little Angel couldn't get up, she was helpless, watching her best friend die in front of her eyes.

Every inch of her body starts to heat up with a full range of anger. Her blood is rushing through everywhere. The Little Devil stood up without pain. She doesn't care if she was bruised, she doesn't care if she was bleeding from her head, and she doesn't care if she falls. What matters the most to her is her best friend being alive.

"Little Angel!"

From all her range. A miracle happened. An enormous feather wings erupt from her back like the color shade of a raven. It was as if she were a powerful eagle who had extended her wings wide and felt all the freedom she could muster. As she lifts herself up towards the Shadow in Disguise and punches him in masquerade on his face. She picks up the Little Angel in a bridal style to take her toward the god to give the book in return. As she returned to slay the Shadow in Disguise, she dropped her onto the god arm. The Little Angel was about to reach out and grab the Little Devil's hand, but she flew away before she could even keep her by her side. The god lowered the Little Angel to the ground while holding the leather book. To resurrect the book, he told her to put her hand in as well. The only way to keep it shut is to do so. A bright glow force surrounded them as the god entity's might surrounded them. It was majestic but sturdy, and they clung to it for a long time as they watched the book slowly transform into Itself and the portal close.

As the battle began. He had enough fighting of the same devil who keeps pushing him around and kicking him around. He was so close to killing the Little Angel with his bare hands. He couldn't even kill the devil himself. From all the smoke and ashes everywhere is spreading even more of the environment. With her new wings, the Little Devil approaches as if she were a black angel. He clenches his fist and is ready to end it all.

"This ends now"

He said with a smirk on his face.

The Little Devil lifts herself up to the point where she is higher than him. She circular her arms around to form a bow and arrow with an enchanting gold ora. The Shadow in Disguise fear of what the Little Devil had formed. At that moment he knew... she is a goddess. She lifts her elbow, extending the arrow further back with her one eye open to aim on the Shadow in Disguise chest. He got on his knees and begged for forgiveness.

"Please don't kill me! I beg you!"

With no hesitation. The Little Devil says.

"Die you bastard"

She released the arrow as the force of speed came through his heart. He gasp in terror. The black mystical dust on his body parts starts to fade away. He yelps for forgiveness and beg to keep him alive but the Little Devil watches him die as he disappears in thin air.

When the god ultimately revives the book and the gateway closes, she returns to the god and the Little Angel. The god gasps in relief as finally the evil can stay in the underworld. They notice the fire starts to fade away but it isn't green anymore. The Little Devil holds the Little Angel's hand when she knows what she is about to do. The god was about to say something when he witnessed the Little Angel's truest gift. As she stands, she closes her eyes to allow the burn to be released and healed. The ground begins to sprout new grass and flowers, and the trees begin to flourish. It was a miracle to see the forest has healed from the Little Angel. The god was surprised and impressed.

"I had no idea you had that in you."

"Well it been in me for a while"

He chuckles.

"Well it suits you"

They all laugh with joy on their faces but somehow slowly dies when the Little Angel falls down to the ground. The fear in the Little Devil and the god's eyes to see the skin of the Little Angel getting paler. The Little Devil held her helpless body up when she saw gold blood dripping down from her leg as she lifted the gown to see many scars all over her legs. She looks back at the Little Angel struggling to breathe. As she knows...

She was dieing.

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