Chapter 15

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It was daylight, and The Little Devil was irritated. She hasn't slept in days because all she can think about the Little Angel expression when she said 'devil' with her forest green eyes staring right at her. The more she thinks about it, the more her heart breaks into a million pieces, and the more her powers expand on her as a result of her wrath. She attempted to stop herself, but that only made things worse. Her claws had sharpened and her hands had turned a dark red color, as if she'd murdered someone. Her horns grew longer, as did her tails. She tells herself this over and over.

'Control yourself, control yourself, control yourself'

She can't control herself, not without the Little Angel. She is the only angel who knows how to control her with love she has always given her. How much she cheers up whenever she feels down or angry, she is always there. There by her side. How much the Little Devil thinks about her makes her smile as her shade of red on her hands starts to fade away into her normal hand. Her horns and tail have shrunk in size since it vanished. Her scarlet red eyes have turned a shade of chocolate brown. She touched her head, back, and face knowing she was in her normal form. She realized how much the Little Angel made feel normal and happy. She knows it was her fault but she still has a special place in her heart. She feels better and finally she was in her natural form. She walked further who knows where she is going but going somewhere that is far away from the Little Angel so she won't hurt her anymore. From a distance she sees the village where she and the Little Angel visited for fun. She put her hood over her head to be unnoticed by the villagers that walked past her. When she entered the village, she felt relieved and happy to find people here doing their own task and hanging from the market or chatting with their friends. She walked past some people who still hadn't noticed her presence. She looks around to see what she should do to keep herself busy. She felt a jolt on the back of her leg. She turned around to see the little boy she'd met at the campfire embracing her leg fiercely to express his love for her. She brushes his hair with her fingernails as he looks up to her with his cute dimples smile on his face.

"I miss you!"

She giggled and picked him to put him on her hip and held him tight around his waist.

"Where is your friend?"

She hesitates but has to respond to him to let him know she isn't in pain.

"She has duties to attend too"

He nodded and chatted with her along the way to his house. He tells his story how he beat his young friends in a race and that he is a champion while flexing his non-existent muscle. She pinches his chubby cheeks of how silly he was. He reminded her so much of Little Angel silliness. Spending time with him made her forget about the problems that happened between her and the Little Angel. Alongside with sir Daniel, had made her feel alive.

She places him down on the ground to hold his baby hand. He took a step forward to lead her to his home. The Little Devil is always brushing into people's shoulders, apologizing for not being an excuse. The little boy was going too fast and for that point, she might trip and fall because of that. He took a left and went towards a small wooden house that as built nicely done and from the entry from the side is white daisies planted in the ground. The little boy knocked and waited when a young lady opened the door. She looked like she was in her late 20's with dark brown eyes, freckles on her left side of her cheek, and she was very curvy from her waist. She was wearing a navy blue gown with her white apron around her waist. Her hair is dark shaded black within tied up into a bun. She was greeted by her son and a stranger alongside him. The Little Devil was surprised when the little boy said "mommy!" to the lady. She looked very young to be a mother for a child about his age. She greeted the Little Devil and invited her into the small house. She was very polite towards the Little Devil, she didn't even snap at her or give her a dirty look. She welcomed her with open arms like a sweet proper lady. Her son ran to the dining chair and was ready to be served with a meal. His mother giggled and gave him a bowl of soup.

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