Chapter 14

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Night has turned into morning as the Little Angel sat under the tree with the angel boy beside her with his arms around her shoulder and her head resting on his chest. Her eyes are swollen, and her hands are still shaking. After the incident, she had been shaking and sobbing while the angel boy comforted her throughout the afternoon until the night. She didn't want to go up to the heaven to feel miserable from all the tears she shed. The Little Angel only wants to stay under the tree with the angel boy. The whole night she could feel the warmth of the angel boy's breath hitting her face and feeling his warm body temperature against her body. He held onto her, not letting her go out of his sight. She didn't want to move, not even an inch, not at all. It felt nice to have someone beside her, but it wasn't her. It isn't the Little Devil. That all she could ever think about was only her. How she betrayed her and how she lied to her. It was hard to forget the good memories they had but she misses her so much. How she can remember her cold hands holding onto hers while running around through woods with smiles on their faces. The Little Angel can feel her cheeks begin to glow in rosy, pink, and she her smile growing.

"What are you smiling about?"


She looks up at the angel boy hazel eyes and can see he is smiling down at her. She can't tell him that she is thinking about the Little Devil; therefore, he would be furious.

"Oh, just thinking about my friends from heaven and how much I miss them dearly"

He nodded as he stood up from the dirt ground and brushed the dust off his trousers. He held out his hand to the Little Angel, gesturing for her to take his hand and help her get out of the dirt. Instead of taking his hand, she got up for herself and brushed off her white gown. Something came up in her mind that something doesn't seem right. Like something was missing. He bent over to tie his boots and for a moment the Little Angel had to say something.

"How did you know the Little Devil was going to take my wings?"

He stops tying his shoes and hesitated holding onto his laces.

'How could he know?'

He coughed and finished tying his shoes. He looked into her forest green eyes and kissed her forehead. She felt uncomfortable due to his gesturing kiss on her forehead. He caresses her rosy cheek and clean her dry tears. He is not answering her.

"I said, how did you know?"

She said in her rude tone as he got startled from her action. He sighs and speaks.

"I overheard her"

"From whom?"

"Someone who is a creature that doesn't belong to this world"

"Well, if you knew she was going to take my wings, why didn't you tell me in the first play"

Again, he hesitated. She can tell he was getting nervous as he brushes off her shoulder to distract her, but she backs away. He sighs again.

"I was afraid to tell you because of how capable she can be to destroy a immortal in one kill"

"Are you certain?"

He nodded.

"She is a devil a Little Angel"

'No, she not a devil, she is my best friend'

How much she wants to yell at him how wrong he is for saying her best friend is a devil to him. When she is the most amazing, courageous, and beautiful immortal she has ever seen. She may be a devil, but she is not a devil in her eyes, she is the mighty.

"Well darling I have duties attend, hopefully I see you again"

He bowed as if she were a princess, and he bowed as if he were a prince. She, on the other hand, can perceive him as a fool to himself. He sets out on his adventure knowing where he is headed, but she has no idea what he was doing. She wishes she could inform the Little Devil about the angel boy's behavior this morning, but she is unable to do so because she is not presence. She has no desire to remain under the tree for another day. She extended her wings and flew high into the sky, aiming for the skies. How wonderful it was to be able to fly.

She thought about how the little devil wanting her wing. She thought.

'Does she want the wings to herself?'

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