Purple With Envy

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Firstly, I'd like to apologize for taking WAY too long for writing this. I've been busy and kinda forgot about this but I did get it done! I hope you like it! Also take a free picture of my cat Dunkin.

Requested by: Umbragryp

⚠️TW: Swearing, abandonment themes

3rd Person POV

Five people sat around a small body, candles lit up the room and the smell of a sage incense filled the room. "Are you sure this will work Del?" David asked the druid, "Cuz if this doesnt bring back Michael and you're just tickling our balls I will fucking kill you."

"I'm sure this will work David, just shut up," David rolled his eyes and looked at his friends. Ritchie seemed too giddy for the situation, he'd put to much trust into Delta's plan but the sin of pride couldn't really blame him since Delta was smart and he knew Ritchie wanted to flirt with the angry midget again. Brandon was visibly worried and was also doubting Delta's plan, they were wide awake and staring at the captain's body. Lucas...well David didnt care how Lucas was feeling but he knew Lucas was confused and just going along with this for the rest of us.

Delta held out his hands, "We need to hold hands." Ritchie and Lucas took his hands then held their's out for David and Brandon.

"Dont make this weird Ritchie," David growled as he took Ritchie's hand then also Brandon's. They were now all holding hands, Delta started speaking in a language that nobody knew then started chanting it. Michael's body started levitating, a purple and black glow surrounding him. The glow started to absorb all of the light from the candles; the only way they knew the others were still there is because they could still feel each other's hands, other than that they'd have no clue the others were there due to the darkness.

When the darkness finally passed Michael was laying on the ground. He seemed like he was in pain but the other's flocked around him and started trying to talk to him anyways.

"Cap? Are you alright?" David asked him, trying to sit him up.

"David dont force him to sit up! He's in pain!" Delta hit David's hand.

"Oh Captain! I've missed you so much!" Ritchie spoke over-dramatically, leaning onto Michael.

Brandon stayed quiet but sat next to the cap on their knees, they looked like they wanted to say something but kept their mouth shut.

Lucas was keeping his distance. He didnt know Michael all that well and didnt wanna take up space.

Michael sat up on his own, leaning on his hands for support, "Will you all quiet down?" He grumbled. "Where the hell am I?"

"You're at your new home," Delta explained.

"Arent I dead?"

"Not anymore cap! Del boy brought you back!" David slung his arm over Delta's shoulder, "I believed in him the whole time!"

"Yeah, sure you did," Delta rolled his eyes then pushed David off of him. He held out his hand to Michael who took it and stood up, his legs collapsed underneath him though and he ended up falling into Delta's arms. The druid blushed a deep red, "Um...maybe I should carry you home huh?" He giggled nervously. Michael nodded so Devin picked him up.

The six of them walked home, the whole trip was just Ritchie non stop talking while the others tried to ignore him till David bonked him over the head with his axe and needed to carry him home.

Days passed with everybody mother-birding over Michael, everybody but one. Lucas wasn't trying to get involved, well actually he did try to get involved but David ended up telling him off. It made Lucas feel shitty even if it shouldn't have made him feel shitty it did, knowing that he wasnt wanted or needed by the people who were supposed to be his friends. Hell even Delta wasnt talking with him!

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