Icy Heart (FTO)

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TW: Mental break down

Type: Angst with comfort

Ships: Queer platonic Brandon x David aka blizzard (They're QPR because they're both AROACE!)


3rd person POV

The garden was quiet, the only sounds coming from the outside was the faint hum of bees and birds chirping in the trees. The soft sound of heels clicking on stone melded effortlessly into the serenading song of the day. Brandon walked along the path in the garden, its been a while since he'd seen David and Ech. As he neared the green house, he felt something odd in the air. It was colder...sadder...

He pushed open the greenhouse door, the metal handle slightly sticking to his hand. Entering the green house Brandon saw why the air was so cold. David was curled up against the back wall of the green house, an icy shell coating him. Ice crystals traced along the back of the wall and the floor, some close to touching the ice mages precious plants. Brandon's eyes widened before rushing next to his friend, he knelt down in front of him. He took in a breath, comforting people was never his strong stuit but he had to help David. With how many times David has helped him, he deserved something in return.

Brandon placed a hand onto David's arms which were wrapped securely around himself, "David?" He tried making his voice soft as possible, not a difficult thing for him. He got no response, he removed his hand and wiped off his hand on his cape. He needed to break through to him, but how?

While Brandon was thinking the ice grew as David started mumbling to himself, this snapped Brandon from him thoughts. Using his magic to carry the sound to himself he heard something that stung his heart. "Im sorry Im selfish Brandon. Im so sorry for everything Ive done." David's voice was breaking as he mumbled.

Brandon's eyes widened before softening, "David, that's not true." David's ice expaned more, the shell around his body thickening.

"It is, Im horrible to you, im sorry im so sorry," David mumbled, "Im a horrible S class, I cant fight, Im pathetic."

Brandon took in a breath and looked at the ice, it was everywhere now. Soon the plants would start freezing over. Brandon looked back at David only to notice his skin was turning red, despite being an ice mage his skin was definitely started to get frostbitten. Brandon needed to do something now.

Brandon placed a hand on David's shoulder, "Hey, David I need you to breath," His voice was calm, he tried to remember how David helped Brandon overcome his own breakdowns. "Can you breath for me?" David whimpered a bit, "We can do it together okay? Take a breath in." David took in a shakey breath, Brandon took in one as well. They held it for a bit before, "And out" David took a quick breath out. "And again, in," Another shakey breath in, held, "And out" As they breathed the ice melted and David, along with the plants, were free from the ice and only slightly wet.

David's arms fell limply at his side. Brandon moved his hand to David's face and lifted it up, David's eyes were sparkling with crystalline tears. "David, you are NOT a failure. There's nothing wrong with you and you're still growing as a mage. No matter how many fines we get, no matter how long it takes, I'm proud of you. Im proud of how far you've come and where you're going. You never cease to make me proud."

David stared at him before tackling him into a hug. Brandon smiled and rubbed the back of his friend, "Thank you," David held onto Brandon with all his might.

"There's no need to thank me, you deserve compassion, even if you dont think you do." They sat on the floor for a bit before David gasped.

"MY FLOWERS!!" He fled from Brandon's arms over to one of the flowers he had covered in ice.

Brandon chuckled before joining David in caring for the plants. Brandon listened as David rambled about how dangerous his ice was for the plants, a few things slipping out which caught Brandon's attention, "I can't believe I did this, I'm so stupid."

"David, it wasn't your fault. You cant control your emotions all the time, sometimes things slip out and that's fine."

David took in a deep breath. "You're right." He held the head of a sunflower, "I'll find a way to fix this."

"We can do it together."

"Yeah," David looked back at Brandon and gave his a warm, genuine smile. "Thank you."

805 words
Just a little something I typed up in my friend's DMs that they told me I should share. I hope you all enjoy some QPR Blizzard! -Boba

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