Yunhee retreated three steps, appreciating the rippling muscles in Jimin's back as he winched the hammer sideways like a baseball bat. With an almighty roar, he swung it upwards at a curve, smacking the statue's grimy cheek so hard that its head decapitated, arced across the lawn, and crashed into a shrub.

'Aw, buggering bollocks!' Jimin thundered. 'I damaged my Pink-A-Boo azalea!'

Yunhee shimmied forward with her weapon, patting him sympathetically on the shoulder before saying, 'Shift, Park. I want another shot.'

Two kids, young and dumb.

That's what they were for the next two hours after the committed couple got to work. It was a wonder Jin didn't dash out to investigate the jubilant racket echoing across the estate; hysterical laughter disturbing the wildlife, shouts of warning as Jimin shielded her body from flying debris.

Yunhee felt alive and liberated, helping him obliterate the garden feature until there was nothing left but bags of rubble and dust particles glittering in the November sun.

Throwing his sledgehammer aside, Jimin squinted at her through his sand-covered lashes, wiping a smudge of dirt from her freckles as he tugged her closer. 'Guess what I'm thinking.'

'Hmm, that you did this as an excuse to shower with me?'

'No, that's a given.' Jimin coughed as he brushed earth out of her hair and wafted it away. 'I was thinking about my mother, actually. I can't change the past or bring her back, but if I can help others in her memory...'

'The association,' Yunhee smiled, recalling what he'd spoken of on their date, 'to help victims of domestic violence.'

'The Park Areum Association,' Jimin emphasised. 'I want to register the charity in the near future, find trustees to get the ball rolling. You said you'd help me, so...would you do me the honour, Miss Hahm?'

'Yes,' Yunhee choked, her heart swelling with pride at the use of his mother's name, 'there's nothing I'd like more.'

'Thank you, my darling,' Jimin whispered as he inclined his head.

Yunhee clung to him like a lifeline when he parted her lips with his.

Park Jimin: strong, brave, selfless. The only sturdy source of reliability in her tottering world. And as he thumbed away the rivulets generated by her tears; a rising tide of tenderness had her sinking into his meaningful kiss until she was sure she could no longer breathe.

'I'm so in love with you,' Jimin proclaimed, catching her sob of surprise with his mouth before feathering kisses across her jaw. 'Enthrallingly,' he added while kissing her nose, 'devotedly,' her eyes, 'unconditionally...sort of disgustingly, really,' he finished while searching the skies with a grimace.

'Disgustingly?' Yunhee's laughter tinkled across his dirt-ridden face.

'Yeah,' Jimin sucked on his teeth, though his irises sparkled with life above his reddening cheeks as he glanced down at her. 'I miss you when I'm not around you. It's like I'm suffocating and you're my only supply of air. That's pretty disgusting if you ask-'

'I love you, too,' Yunhee declared. 'Just a whole lot of simply.'

That smile.

That enchanting, devastating smile Jimin gave her before pulling her into a tight embrace. Yunhee couldn't pinpoint the exact moment it first made her insides quiver. It could have been the afternoon he'd taught her to shoot, or the night they'd run from the brothel after a gun wielding brawl.

It could have been as early as the day he kidnapped her.

She had no recollection. All she knew was that it had slowly but surely crept up on her, claiming her heart until it belonged to no one but him.

When Worlds Collide | PJM - KTH ✓ (Hahm Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now