Chapter 15: A Game.

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Diana had managed to sneak away from Hange's discussion about her research, well sneak is not quite the word many would use, coming up with a lame excuse to get out of the room is more accurate. She stood outside smoking a cigarette, admiring how the moonlight lit up the castle and its surroundings. She admired the shadows cat across the floor, tracing each with her eyes, enjoying how they connected. Her eyes landed on a small opening in the trees, not the main road the group took, but a small path. Curiosity getting the better of her, she began to make her way towards it, taking a cautious glance back at the door to the castle, her mind wondering if she'd get into trouble for being out so late. Screw it, her thought made her smile and she continued down the path. With each step, her surroundings grew darker as the blanket of trees grew thicker, moonlight barely seeping through the leaves. She stopped for a moment, peering out in front of her, but she could barely see a thing. Reaching into her breast pocket, she pulled out a match and lit it, the flame lighting up the forest in a somewhat, spooky way. She continued down the path, taking cautious steps, so as not to trip on anything beneath her. The flame of the match slowly began to flicker out, almost hitting her fingertips. Diana dropped the match, mentally cussing, she looked up, expecting to be engulfed in darkness again but a small opening sat just ahead of her, the moonlight seeming brighter than ever. 

She stepped out into the opening, a small grassy area with a tree log sitting just off centre, it seemed man-made but still beautiful. Diana took a seat on the log, her eyes taking in the scenery before slowly closing; she took in a deep breath, allowing the scents of the forest to fill her completely before exhaling. Diana's eyes fluttered open once more, slowly drifting skyward, widening at the sight of the moon and stars. It was beautiful to her. She stood and shrugged off her jacket before folding it and placing it on the floor. She sat on the grass, letting her hand dance over the blades; she laid down, using her jacket as a pillow, and just stared up at the sky. Her eyes scanned the stars, making out the small patterns they created across the dark sky. Diana dipped her hand into the pocket of her jacket, pulling out the small tin that held her cigarettes, she popped one into her mouth and lit it, letting the heavy smoke fill her lungs; she exhaled as her eyes closed and she embraced the quietness. Her ears picked up on the sounds around her, the rustling of the leaves, the whistle of the wind, it was peaceful. That was, however, until she heard a cough from the trees, her eyes shot open and she pushed herself to sit up, her head darting round the clearing, landing on a figure who stood at the foot of the path she'd taken here. The figure began to walk towards her as she stood up, grabbing her jacket off the ground. Moonlight danced across the face of the figure, revealing the person's identity. Captain Levi stood before her. Oh crap, her thoughts raced in her mind as her eyes grew wider.  

"Captain Levi." She called out as he walked closer to her, her eyes locked on his trying to read any emotion from him. 

"Lando, what are you doing out here?" His voice was monotonous, this made Diana more nervous. She gulped but kept hold of her composure. 

"I needed a break from Hange." Diana chuckled lightly, as she looked down at her feet for a moment before reconnecting her eyes with Levi's. "They were just going on and on about their experiments and it was getting really late, I made up a dumb excuse to leave then went outside." Diana explained confidently as her eyes remained locked with his. "I saw the path down here and thought it looked nice...quiet." Her voice lowered as she finally pulled her eyes from his, looking round at the small grassy area surrounding the two. "It's also very beautiful out here." The sound of Levi's footsteps pulled her gaze back to him as he walked past her and sat down on the log. 

"Do you have permission to be out here?" Was all Levi asked, keeping his back facing Diana, she took a cautious step forward, curious to find out if he was now showing any emotion. 

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