Chapter 8: Commander Erwin.

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Her blades glided through the titan nape, taking it out. With haste, She landed on a nearby roof, her eyes quickly darting around searching for her next target but she could not see any more titans. Diana let out a small sigh of relief, as she realised that the attack was finally over.

"Good job cadet! Retreat over the wall!" A female voice called out to Diana, as a figure rushed past her, her ginger hair whipping round behind her. Once again, Diana readied her ODM  gear and began making her way to the wall. Within minutes she'd made it to the top, letting out a final sigh of relief as her hands fell to her knees. She hunched over for a moment, letting the feeling wash over her before a voice pulled Diana from her moment. 

"Is this her?" A deep voice questioned. 

"Yes sir, that's Cadet Lando." Levi's all too familiar voice followed. A pair of boots entered Diana's field of vision, she slowly stood up straight, to see a tall blonde man. "This is Commander Erwin Smith." Levi introduced, causing Diana to quickly salute. 


"Relax, Cadet, you've earnt it." Erwin spoke, with a slight smile,  Diana relaxed her salute, staring up at the tall man before her. His eyes were kind as he spoke to her. "You put on quite an impressive show today, Cadet."  Diana let a lopsided smile fall on her face.  

"Oh I don't think so sir, I'm not half as good as the special operations squad." She denied it, scratching the back of her head and looking down at her feet again.  

"Still, for a cadet, 10 titan kills on your first mission is impressive," Erwin spoke, Diana smiled, looking back up at the Commander.

"Thank you, sir."

"Oooo is this her?" A new voice sounded, Diana's head turned to see a tall, well taller than her, person, heading towards herself and the Commander. They had glasses and long brown hair pulled up into a ponytail. "Hello, cadet! Great to meet you, I'm Zoe Hange!" They introduced themselves with a smile. 

"H-Hello." Diana stuttered out, confusion on her face once more. How is this person so cheerful after such a horrible event?   Diana was pulled from her thoughts when Hange spoke again.

"So you're the cadet with the high titan kills, am I right?" She asked Diana, still smiling. 

"I guess?"Diana responded, the confusion evident in her voice. 

"What do you mean you guess? 10 titan kills on your first mission, that's crazy, ooo you have to come out on our next capture mission, I'm sure you'll be great! How does that sound?" Diana stared at Hange, both puzzled and shocked, they spoke so fast that Diana was barely able to take anything in. 

"Cool it Hange, kid's barely out of her first mission." Levi's voice sounded from behind Diana, a frown fell on her face as she turned back to Levi for a moment.  She rolled her eyes at him, I am not a child, Diana turned back to Hange as they began to speak again. Levi passed the two, standing just behind Hange as they spoke. 

"Huh? Oh come on, she'll be fine I mean did you see her out there?" Hange retorted. 

"Also, not a kid." Diana added, frowning at Levi, he only let out a tut before walking away. 

"So you wanna?" Hange asked, Diana, flinched a little when she realised how close Hange had gotten to her face.  

"Um, sure, capture mission?" Diana questioned, raising her eyebrow at Hange who smiled an almost sickly grin.

"Oooo, so I capture titans for my research, I do experiments on them and document my findings, I'll have to tell you about it sometime." They explained before pointing down into Trost, Diana looked down to see two titans being hoisted onto carts. 

"Sure." Diana agreed with a nervous smile. 

"Really? Oh wow, well first -"

"Hange, give it a rest, she probably wants to see her friends." Levi's voice interrupted again, and Hange's face dropped. 

"Yeah, sorry, maybe another time?" Diana asked, with a smile, causing Hange to grab her arms, they stared intensely into Diana's eyes. 

"I'm holding you to that." Diana nodded at Hange, as she let go of her arms and almost skipped away. Diana's eyes followed Hange, until they caught sight of Levi, their eyes connected again, it was intense, and set off a feeling in Diana she'd never felt before. 

Levi's mind clouded, her eyes, something about her eyes. His face softened as he stared back at her. He watched as her hand tucked a strand of loose hair behind her head, before pulling her eyes away from his finally. 

"Speaking of my friends, where are they?" She asked, turning back to Erwin. Levi blinked a few times before pulling his eyes away from the girl. 

"Cadets Ackerman and Arlert are helping with clean-up, however, you are to head back to the barracks, you should take a break I can see you're quite drained,  I will have one of the special operations squad escort you over." Erwin explained. 

"O-okay, what about Eren?" Diana asked, following Erwin to the lifts. 

"He has been given to the custody of the Military Police, we are going to try and see him as soon as possible, before his trial." Erwin further explained, my brows furrowed. Trial? They must be conducting it to see if Eren's a threat to humanity. 

"May I see him too? Sir." Diana asked, knowing it was probably impossible to see Eren right now. 

"We were barely able to scrape and meeting to see him, you really think they'd let a cadet see him?" Levi piped in, with a slight eye roll. Diana threw a glare Levi's way.

"No, I suppose they wouldn't." Her head dropped to her feet as the words left Diana's lips. 

"Do not worry about Eren, we have a plan." Erwin spoke. "Now, head to the barracks, there's a lift waiting on the other side of the wall for you." 

"Yes, sir!" Diana saluted once again, before getting the lift, and making her way down. 


Diana was finally dropped off back at the training barracks and after thanking the soldier who brought her over she decided it was best to get some sleep, especially after this long day. She slipped off to her room, once there, she changed out of her uniform and into some pj's before settling into bed. After some hours of staring at the ceiling, she finally drifted off to sleep. Her mind was uneasy at the thought of Eren and his trial. 

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