Chapter 9: Eren's Trial: Pt 1

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Diana was awoken by the sounds of whispering, pretty aggressive whispering. Her eyes opened quickly to see Sasha, Mikasa, and Krista staring at her from across the room, whispering amongst themselves. Diana frowned as she sat up, causing them to stop quickly. 

"Everything okay?" Diana asked with a smirk, raising her eyebrow. 

"You're alive!" Sasha exclaimed. 

"Uhh, yeah, last time I checked." She chuckled lightly. 

"We didn't know if you made it; you never came and found us after clean-up," Mikasa added, slightly annoyed. 

"Sorry, I was sent back to the barracks because I was exhausted. I just wanted to sleep," Diana explained, getting out of bed. The girls watched her intently. Now I gotta get dressed. I'll meet you guys in the mess hall, " she suggested, pulling her hair up into a ponytail. The three girls mumbled in agreement as they began to leave. 

She sighed, her mind still racing from the events of the day before, so many thoughts passed fleetingly through her mind. Most were about Eren and his fate within the walls. Is he going to be accepted? Or will they just kill him? The thoughts then moved to him, Levi. Her mind seemed fuzzy at the thought of him; from first impressions, she wasn't overly fond of the Captain. He's rude, clearly thinks a lot of himself, huh, humanities strongest, you can tell that title's gotten to his head. But there was something about him; she wanted to know more. She was curious about him. 

Diana stretched herself out before changing out of her PJs and into her uniform. She grabbed her cigarette box and matches off the bedside table, pulling one out and popping it into her mouth; she tucked them into her breast pocket and grabbed her boots. After pulling them on, she left the room and headed outside, only to be quickly engulfed in a hug that knocked the air out of her lungs. Sucking in a breath, she quickly realised who had latched onto her. With a smile, Diana gently hugged Mikasa back; despite Mikasa being taller, Diana still managed to fill the hug with the maternal love Mikasa had grown used to. 

"I'm glad you're okay, Dee." She whispered. 

"I'm not going anywhere; you don't have to worry so much," Diana told her, pulling away. 

"I know," Mikasa spoke as Diana lit her cigarette. "You really shouldn't smoke those; they'll affect you out there." Mikasa then advised, shaking her head. Diana shook her head and smiled widely.

"Well, I did pretty fine yesterday." She laughed, but Mikasa only shook her head again. "Come on, let's go to the mess hall; I have something to tell you and Armin." The two headed over to the mess hall. Outside, Diana docked out her cigarette before following Mikasa inside. The two decided to sit with Armin; Diana shot him a smile as she sat down. 

"Dee! You're okay?" He exclaimed, sending her a smile back. Diana laughed. 

"Does everyone just assume I died out there?" she asked. Mikasa and Armin both looked down. "Sorry. Anyway, have you heard about the trial?" Diana asked, quickly changing the subject. 

"Trial?" Armin questioned. 

"Yeah, like a debate over Eren," Diana explained. 

"A debate for Eren, why?" Mikasa asked. 

"I'm not sure; Commander Erwin told me about it," Diana told the two. 

"It might be about what they plan to do with him?" Armin suggested, Mikasa looked at him slightly worried. 

"What does that mean?" She asked Diana, and she sent Armin a shared, unsure look. 

"It might mean they may not let him live," Diana admitted. Mikasa shot to her feet, and Armin and Diana looked at her. Mikasa's eyes were wide, tears pooling in them. Diana felt terrible for her friends; she knew both didn't want anything bad to happen to Eren, but she knew deep down that they could not sway the opinions of the higher-ups if they deemed Eren a threat. A lump formed in Diana's throat, and she began to feel sick to her stomach at the thought of losing Eren. Diana opened her mouth to speak but was cut off when three MPs entered the mess hall. 

"Cadets Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman and Diana Lando, hop to!" The MP with the clipboard called out. Diana shot to her feet. 

"Yes, sir?"

"You three are ordered to attend and act as witnesses at today's deliberation." The MP called out to the three. 

They made their way to the door. Diana tried to avoid the stares from the onlooking cadets; she knew they were whispering about them. Some even thought that these three were enemies, too. Diana could tell some thought like this; the fear and judgement in some of their eyes made it incredibly evident. 

The MPs led the three to the courtroom, where they stood with a few members of the Garrison, those involved in the battle of Trost. One included Rico, whom Diana stood beside; she gave the three a small nod as they entered. Diana looked around, noticing some other familiar faces. Commander Erwin was here, along with Captain Levi, whose eyes watched Diana as she walked in. She barely glanced his way; she needed to keep her mind clear. 

The lower doors opened, revealing 2 MPs escorting Eren into the hall, Diana's eyes widened as she saw him, all the worry she'd tried to keep down was bubbling to the surface. This was it; it was time to decide Eren's fate. They watched as Eren knelt before the court, chained to a metal post, his eyes darting around, landing on his friends, widening at the sight of them. Diana tried to send him a comforting smile, but she knew it must held much fear.  Diana's eyes tore away from Eren's, landing on Premier Zachary, who had just entered the room.

"Alright, shall we begin?" he said. Your name is Eren Yeager, and as a soldier, you have sworn to give up your life when called for the good of the people. Is that correct?" Zachary continued.   

"Yes," Eren responded quietly, and the Premier continued. 

"As an enlisted soldier, at a time of war, military doctorate demands your tribunal be held as a court martial." Diana's eyes wandered to Eren, who looked terrified. "As Commander of the armed forces, this matter is left to my discretion; thus, I will decide whether you live or you die." Diana's eyes widened, and she quivered in shock. I knew it. She glanced towards Armin and Mikasa. Both looked worried, but Mikasa tried to remain calm. 

"Any objections?" Premier Zachary questioned. Eren let out a shaky sigh, dropping his head. 

"No, sir." 

"Your astuteness is appreciated, let's continue." The Premier declared. "As  expected, covering up your existence has proven quite fruitless." Diana noticed as Premier Zachary spoke that Hange entered the courtroom with another scout. "And unless we disclose your existence to the public, one way or the other, we risk an outbreak of widespread unrest." Zachary continued. "A decision must be made, and whichever regiment takes you in will determine your fate." Diana did not like the sound of any of this; she didn't entirely trust any regiment, especially since most, if not all, would kill Eren at his first sign of no control. 

"The Military Police or the Scout Regiment?" 

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