Chapter 10: Eren's Trial: Pt 2.

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 "My name is Nile Dawk, and I am the Commander of the Military Police." The MPs were to go first with their reasoning for Eren to be placed in their custody. Diana watched the man as he spoke, knowing the MP's intentions were not great; she believed they'd kill Eren right there on the spot if the custody were theirs. Her face fell to glare as Nile continued. "Our recommendation is, following a thorough examination of his physiology, subject Eren Yeager should be disposed of immediately." Diana let out a low growl as her glare deepened. "We acknowledge Yeager's ability played a part in taking back the latest titan incursion; however, as has been stated, his mere existence is creating public unease." Diana rolled her eyes, if the public knew how his titan could truly help us they'd understand wouldn't they?  "For the greater good, after we have gathered all the information needed, we would see him made a fallen warrior of humanity." 

"Unacceptable, this vermin has defiled the mighty wall..." Diana couldn't have rolled her eyes hard enough as the wall cultist piped it, pointing at Eren. Five years ago, no one would have given them a second look; now they're recognised. Premier Zachary elected to ignore the outburst, turning his attention to Commander Erwin. 

"Now, I would like to hear the Scout Regiment's proposed plan." 

"Yes sir, as the Commander of the Survey Corp, I, Erwin Smith, propose the following," The Commander's voice boomed through the courtroom. "Let Eren join our ranks; reinstate him as a full member of the scouts, and we will use his ability to retake Wall Maria." He paused for a moment. "That is all." Diana's eyes widened; that was it, his whole plan? The Premier would never go for that, surely?

"Hmm, is that it?" Zachary questioned.

"Yes, sir, I am sure we can reclaim Wall Maria with his assistance," Erwin confirmed. "Ergo, I believe our top priority is perfectly clear." Diana sucked in her breath, she was more nervous now, her heart pounded as her eyes drifted to the Premier. 

"Quite bold." He spoke. "Assuming you were given clearance,  where do you suppose you'd perform this mission from?" Zachary's eyes dropped to Commander Pyxis. "Commander Pyxis, the wall at Trost has been completely sealed, correct?" 

"Yes, I doubt the gates will ever open again," Pyxis confirmed. 

"We'll depart from Colenith District from the east; from there, we'll make for Shiganshina." Erwin piped in again. "A new route can be established as we proceed." 

"But that's ridiculous; our time and money would be better spent sealing up all the gates!" A townsperson yelled, cutting off Erwin. "They're the only parts of the wall the Collasal Titan can break, right? Let's reinforce the blasted things and wash our hands of the entire affair." 

"Shut your mouth, you spineless merchant dog!" A scout yelled back at the townsperson. "With a titan on our side, we can finally return to Wall Maria!"

"We can't afford any more of your childish antics or your delusions of grandeur-"

"Squealing louder won't help your case, pig." Levi's voice cut through the arguments; Diana's eyes shot to him, her stare so intense, she surely thought he could feel it burning holes in the side of his face. "While we're bolstering our defences, do you think the Titans will idly stand by?" Levi questioned the merchant. "And  when you say 'we can't afford', do you speak for anyone other than your fat merchant friends?" Diana's eyes widened at this comment, pulling her stare away from Levi as he continued. "Do you pigs even realise that our people are struggling just to survive off of what little land we have left?"

"I'm simply saying that sealing the gates is the only guaranteed protection we've got!" the merchant argued, but this only attracted the cultist's attention, who went on another rant. 

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