Chapter 6: Our Last Best Chance

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The two barely dodged the assault, both flying across the roof; hitting their bodies against the hard tiles. The debris from the collision cut across Diana's nose, and a hiss left her lips as she wiped her sleeve across her face. Blood soaked through the fabric, and her eyes widened. Pain shot through Diana's body, but she tried not to let it phase her. She clambered to her feet, and rushed to help Mikasa up as she noticed Eren; his arm was pulled back, readying another attack.

"Ackerman, Landon look out!" Ian yelled, he was one of the team leaders, one of whom was not too happy with the decision to use Eren's titan to seal the breach. Diana quickly spun, seeing Erens titan's fist swinging at Mikasa and herself. Both jumped, Diana using her ODM to pull herself over to another roof, whereas Mikasa used hers to shoot up to Eren's face, stabilising herself by holding onto his hair.

"Hey, Ackerman stand down now! Get away from him that's an order!" Ian ordered, angered that the two were still in such close contact with Eren, who, clearly, was still out of control. Diana watched, blades ready, just in case Eren decided to do something stupid.

"Eren, I know you're in there somewhere, I know you recognise us!" Mikasa yelled, gesturing down to Diana, he fae worried. Eren didn't move for a second. "That right, come on!" Diana felt the situation was safe enough for her to join Mikasa on Eren's face, she used her ODM gear to fly over to Eren, landing beside Mikasa; ignoring the protests from her superiors.

"Snap out of it Eren!" She demanded. "We've got a breach to seal up."

"Eren, listen to me, you're human!" Mikasa yelled, glancing at Diana desperately, who shared an equally distressed look.

"Lando, Ackerman get out of there!" Ian ordered once more, causing the two to look down, Eren's hand had begun to shake, he was readying for another hit. The two jumped away, using their ODM gear to fly out of the way, watching as Eren's titan punched itself in the face. His titan form then fell to the floor, almost lifeless. Diana stared down at him, she had a worried look on her face, this was supposed to be our shot.

"What the hell? You're telling me the kid was a regular titan the whole time." Ian snapped, letting out a defeated sigh. Diana's eyes shot to him, a glare now rested. No, this is our shot.

"Eren!" Mikasa yelled, her face full of worry.

"Captain! We've got 2 titans bearing down on us from the front, a 10 metre and a 6 metre!" A soldier yelled, causing Diana's eyes to dart round, landing on the incoming 6 metre.

"12 metre closing in on us from the rear!" Another yelled, her eyes snapped round again.

"Ian, come on, we've got to get out of here, look at him, the plans a bust!" Mitabi spoke up.

"Agreed, Full withdrawal," Rico added. "We have to leave him as he is." Diana shook her head, getting ready to fight off the incoming titans. Mikasa was also ready, turning to her superiors and letting out a low growl. Her glare was one that could turn you to stone.

"Ian snap out of it, what are you waiting for? Hey, it's not like this is your fault, give the order, this plan was doomed from the start!" Mitabi continued, only making Mikasa and Diana angrier, the two exchanged a look, both knowing that they were willing to carry this out on their own if needed.

"Did we give it our best shot? Sure, whatever, we did the best that we could! But all we've got left now is going back over the wall." He finished before going to walk away. Mikasa, still angered by his lack of faith, rushed after him only to be stooped by Ian.

"Easy." Ian warned. "Now's not the time." He continued, Mikasa continued to glare but stood down, and Ian gave her a short nod. Ian then began to call out orders. "Team Rico take out the 12 metre behind, team Mitabi and I will handle the front runners."

Rico stared in disbelief, she couldn't believe Ian was still going through with the plan even though it seemed like it had already failed. "Are you nuts?" She snapped at her superior.

"In case you've forgotten, I'm the one in charge." Ian countered. "Now do as you're told, soldier! We're not leaving Jaeger defenceless." He spoke, Rico stared in shock. "Change of plans, we keep the titans off him until he can be recovered, he's still our best chance, we're not just gonna abandon him we're expendable, he isn't." Diana Smiled at Ian's statement, too right we aren't abandoning him.

"Please don't talk to me about or last best chance!" Rico snapped. "He's a failure who countless soldiers have died because of." Diana frowned again, she knew Rico was making a point, but he wasn't a failure yet. "Just look at him Ian, are you saying you want more of us to die because of that?" Rico continued her rant, pointing at Eren.

"That's right, down to the last man, if that's what it takes then so be it!" Ian snapped back.

The two continued to argue back and forth about the chances of survival and if Eren really was our best chance. Ian finally gave a speech about how if this mission was a success, humanity could finally have a definite way of defeating all the titans. He then turned to Mikasa and Diana, giving the two a small nod.

"This is just... this is madness." Rico spoke turning away, her voice still full of doubt.


"I think you're right." She admitted, cutting Ian off before he could go on another rant. "If we're to stand, this is the only way, just this once, let's fight a fight that's not just a battle of attrition, let the bastards taste humanity's wrath." Rico finished, before continuing to gather up her team. Mitabi, and his team, then began to go after the other 2 titans.

"Thank you, captain, that was brave." Mikasa thanked, feeling truly grateful. 

"No, it wasn't." Ian denied. "No thanks needed, fact of the matter is that I was petrified of the mess you two were about to get into." Diana looked down at his statement, knowing that their plan was, in fact, insane but she didn't care. This is Eren we're talking about. "You're free now, do your thing." Ian ordered the two. 

"Sir!" They responded, with a firm nod.  

"Go save the man you love!" Ian added, looking at Mikasa, who looked down and blushed. Diana let a small smirk fall on her face, she knew about Mikasa's feelings, though Mikasa thought she'd hidden it well. 

"It's not like that." Mikasa tried to argue, but Ian had already taken off. The two shared a glance, before looking down at Eren, preparing themselves to bring him to safety. 

In Time. (Levi Ackerman/Attack on Titan Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin