Chapter 12: Miche.

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Authors Note: Okay, now I know a lot of this might be in the wrong order, but i'm just taking the flashbacks from throughout the first mission with eren and placing them in some sort of order, all I know is all of this is within a month running up to the first mission with the new recruits so these will be my own events with the flashbacks included. 

"So why am I heading back to the barracks?" Diana asked, Miche as they stood outside the courthouse. Miche did not reply, only knelt in close to Diana and inhaled deeply. Diana flinched, dipping slightly away from him, his face full of confusion. 

"Oh don't mind Miche, he thinks he can know a person through giving them a good sniff." Hange explained as they returned to Diana with two horses. Diana turned to Miche, who'd finished sniffing her and laughed. 

"So, how do I smell?" She asked him, with a smirk. Miche sent a small smirk back to her but didn't say a word. 

"Okay, so I guess I'll ask you, Hange-"

"I am escorting you to the barracks so you can collect Eren's, and your own, belongings, then I shall take you to meet with the special ops squad." Miche finally spoke, his voice was somewhat comforting to Diana. She smiled up at Miche. 

"He speaks?" Miche flashed a small smile back to Diana. 

"Also, you smell lovely." A blush slowly crept onto Diana's cheeks and she looked away. 

"Miche." Hange voiced warned. "Now, Diana, this is your horse, her name is Maia, you've ridden before yes?" They then asked, Diana smiled at the white horse, it was beautiful. Almost pure white, with brown patches over her body. 

"Yes, I have, when I was younger." Diana confirmed with a small smile. Hange beamed, before handing Diana the reigns, Miche also took the reigns to his horse and swiftly jumped on. 

"Good, well safe journey, remember to grab some of Eren's things too, you'll be meeting the Specials Ops squad at nightfall to travel to the old scout base so do not waste too much energy!" Hange chirped, as Diana climbed upon her horse, she gently stroked its mane, gently whispering in its ear to keep it calm. Miche stared at her, in almost awe, but he kept quiet. 

"Okay, shall we go!" Diana beamed, Miche only nodded before the two said their goodbyes to Hange and took off. Diana grinned as widely as she could as the two bound down the street, enjoying the wind that lapped through her hair. Her mind wandered back to her childhood, how she loved to go riding in the spring when the smell of fresh flowers whipped through the air. A wave of sorrow flooded Diana's mind, those were the lost days, her home, her family, they were all gone now. 


"Don't take too long, it's almost nightfall and we need to meet the special ops squad asap." Miche ordered as he dismounted his horse. 

"I know Miche, I don't need to grab much."  Diana spoke, climbing off her horse, she sent Miche a small smile before heading to her room. She grabbed her necessities, spare clothes, cigarettes, and books; packing them into a bag before heading over to Eren's room. She made sure to try and avoid her comrades, though it would be nice to talk to them, she knew Miche and herself were in quite a rush to make it to the Special Operations squad in time. 

After avoiding a run-in with Reiner, Diana made it to Eren's room, she grabbed his spare clothes, and personal items, before throwing them in her bag. She quietly crept out of Eren's dorm, gently pulling the door closed. 

"Hey Dee!" Armin's voice caught Diana off guard, making her jump. She turned to him with a frown. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, are you okay?" He asked her. 

"I'm fine Armin, but I have to go!" Diana spoke quickly as she began to walk away. 

"Is Eren okay? What's going on?" Armin questioned, catching up to her. 

"He's fine, I'm meeting with the Special Ops squad at nightfall, we're riding to the old scout base, I really have to go, Armin, I'll catch you later!" Diana rushed away from Armin as they got outside, heading back over to Miche who sent her a small nod, before taking the bags off her. He hooked them up to her horse as she remounted. Diana sent one last smile to Armin before Miche took off with Diana following. 


The two reached the Special Ops squad, making small talk on the way, Diana liked Miche, though he didn't talk too much, Diana enjoyed the company of Miche. Levi watched on as Miche helped Diana down off her horse, a frown forming on his face as he watched Diana smile at Miche as she thanked him. He rolled his eyes and turned away, his gaze falling on Petra her eyes lit up as they met Levi's and she smiled. 

"Right, let's move, we've got quite a way to go." Levi then ordered, pulling Diana's attention from Miche. Diana took one of the bags over to Eren, attaching it to his horse. 

"Are you okay?" She asked quietly, Eren smiled down at her. 

"I'm fine, Dee, stop worrying." Diana nodded and smiled back. 

"Lando! Hurry up!" Levi's voice pulled the smile from Diana's lips, her face dropping to glare as she turned away from Eren and made her way to her horse. 

"Goodbye Miche, it was lovely meeting you." He only nodded at her, before swiftly leaving. Diana mounted her horse before the squad began to move. 

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