Chapter 4: The Aftermath.

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A/N I am skipping through a lot just because you've all seen the battle of Trost and I think it'd just be boring to write about it all, so we skipping to just after where they know that Eren is the titan now.

Trost was overrun with titans, the graduates and their higher-ups were spread thin until an unusual abnormal began to fight the other titans. It had managed to wipe out most of the titans around the base. Its body was now slumped on the floor. The remaining 104th cadet corps, and their superiors, watched the titan closely, its nape began to rupture and Diana stared on in shock as Eren emerged from inside the abnormal.  His body, freeing itself from the muscles of the titan. Without thinking, Diana and Mikasa, using their ODM gear, rushed over to Eren,  Armin following close behind. The three landed on the titan body, Diana looking down at it in shock, Mikasa pulled Eren into her arms, letting tears fall down her face. You see the battle of Trost was long, emotional, and came with many casualties, one of which the group thought was Eren;  seeing him here was both a relief and a slight worry for the three. Diana knelt down beside Mikasa and Eren, wrapping her arms around them both, despite the worry of seeing Eren emerging out of a titan, she was relieved to see him alive. 

Mikasa, helped by Diana,  picked up Eren, and carried him over to the roof of HQ, to get him to safety from the remaining titans. Diana began to look Eren over, making sure he wasn't badly injured. Her eyes were fixated on Erens bare arm and leg, those which, Armin had told them, were bitten off but they had now seemed to have grown back. A confused look fell on Diana's face, how is he alive? She stared down at Eren, grabbing his bare arm and examining it. 

"We should get him outta here, maybe take him to medical?" She then suggested, looking up at Mikasa, who looked down and nodded. Together, along with Armin, they took him out of HQ and over the wall in one of the lifts. Their journey was short-lived when the four were greeted by a large group of Military Police on the other side. Sweat began to form across Diana's forehead, they're here for Eren. Diana readied herself, her hand hovering over the handles of her blades, her need to protect Eren began to take over. The MPs began to circle the small group, pushing them back up against the wall with. Diana and Mikasa standing guard in front of Eren, Armin stayed with Eren, still knelt behind him, making sure he was ok. Eren's gasp pulled the girls from their guard, turning back to face Eren. He was awake now.  

"You okay?" Mikasa questioned, almost desperately as Eren took in his surroundings, an obviously confused look on his face. Diana turned away from him, her eyes scanning the MPs that stood before them, she noticed their weapons, they were drawn as though they were ready to take on a titan. Their faces, however, look mixtures of terrified and confused.  

"Look at me! Eren can you move?" Armin pleaded, but Eren didn't respond. Diana turned back to them again, a worried look settling back on her face, Eren looked drained, almost lifeless.

"Eren, you gotta tell them everything, they're terrified but they will understand!" Diana told Eren, snapping herself out of the worrying state, before turning back to the MP'S. Eren began to mumble, but the MPs only grew more unsettled at this. A bead of sweat began to roll down Diana's forehead, the uneasy MPs were causing her to feel nervous, her hands slowly gripped the handles of her blades. 

"Son of a bitch wants to eat us, you watch!" One of the MP's snarled, Diana stepped forward slightly, keeping her eyes glued on them, her hands almost trembling with the thought of actually having to fight these people. She understood their fear though, even though she felt fearful of and for Eren. How was this possible? Was he hiding this from us? did he even know?

"Cadets Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, Diana Lando, and Armin Arlet the four of you have jointly committed an act of treason." One of the commanders yelled, Diana's eyes darted to him, a glare now resting on her face. "Whether or not a swift execution is the result depends on you!" He added. Treason? Execution?  Did they really think we were behind this? Diana's mind raced, she stood her ground, despite this, her defensive stance was still strong. "Any attempt to move from where you stand, anything I deam the least bit suspicious will be met with cannon fire, do not test me!" The commander continued, Diana let out a low growl, her grip only tightening on her blades, but she daren't move, people she could fight, but canon fire was a different story. "Answer carefully, Eren Jaeger, what exactly are you? Human or titan?" The commander boomed, though his voice betrayed him, he was scared, confused like the rest of them.  Eren sat silently for a moment, looking round at all the glaring faces, Diana turned to him and they locked eyes, her glare softened, guilt rang through her like an alarm, he looked so tired and confused.

"I am sorry sir, I don't understand!" Eren responded, having no clue what was going on. Why were they asking him this? The thought flew through his mind. 

"Answer me damn you! Evasion will get you nowhere!" The commander yelled back. "Don't try to stall with pretend ignorance! You don't stand a chance, you'll be blown to hell before you can assume your true form!"  He continued, by this point, Diana had turned back to the MPs, growing tenser by the second. She stood her ground, along with Mikasa, both ready to protect Eren at any cost. To protect all of them. Diana's eyes began to scan the situation, trying to see if there was any way to escape this without getting hurt. No solutions came to mind. The MPs had the small group covered on all spots. Is this how the journey ends? 

"What true form?" Eren choked out, Diana frowned, did he really not remember anything?

"Please, plenty of us saw it happen!" The commander yelled back. It was true,  many people, from both the MPs and Garrison, witnessed Eren's emergence from a titan, it wasn't exactly hard to miss. "You emerged from a body of a fallen titan right in front of your comrades! We've let a creature like you slip through and infiltrate Wall Rose!" 

Diana's eyes darted around again, fearing the MPs were about to begin their attack. 

 "You are a risk and I am within my rights to eliminate you!" The commander continued. "I will not let this situation stand, every moment I waster mulling over your supposed innocence puts us all in further jeopardy from an attack by the Armoured Titan!" He is right, the thought entered Diana's mind, we are wasting time, the armoured could attack at any moment, but Eren is innocent, he helped us. "Do you understand? I can not waste any more time or manpower on you! My conscience will not falter to watch you die!" The commander pointed at Eren in rage, his words causing Diana and Mikasa to tense up further, their minds trying to take in the other soldier's discussions on how it would be easier to kill Eren now, while he was human.

Mikasa finally spoke up. "Excuse me! I wouldn't, not while we're standing here!" She yelled, her eyes filled with fire. "Unless anyone's feeling up to the task, in which case, well, we're happy to demonstrate our own techniques on you and every last inch of your traitorous flesh." She pulled out her bladeS, and Diana followed suit, though her actions were slightly hesitant. Though not willing to threaten, she was willing to fight any MPs who tried to take out Eren. 

"Okay, somebody talk to me now, what the hell is this?" Eren piped in, his eyes darting between his two friends and the MPs. 

"Mikasa, Diana, you can't take them all on!" Armin called out, now standing up. "Even if you took down a few, there's nowhere for you to run inside the walls!" 

"Whoever comes at Eren, deals with us!" Mikasa snapped back. "I'll take on the entire regiment if I have to! I don't give a damn what they try to throw at us." She snarled, barely looking back at Armin.

"This isn't the only way, they're just scared, they don't understand what's happening!" Armin tried to reason, he had a point, Diana's mind raced again, if I was in their position, I'd be doing the same. "We need to calm down and just talk it out!" Mikasa's lips parted slightly, her mind quickly forming her rebuttal, but the commander called out once again.  

"One more time! Are you a human being or a titan?" The three turned to Eren, His face still full of confusion, but his reply dripped with determination. 

"I'm Human!" 

The commander did not look convinced, his face was still full of fear. He raised his hand, ready to give the signal to fire on the friends. Diana's eyes widened, she whipped her head back to Eren, whose face look equally shocked. She threw her blades down and rushed to Eren with Mikasa following.

"Armin head to the wall, we've got Eren!" 

"Wait no!" Eren yelled back but Diana grabbed him, forcing him back; he struggled against it, tearing himself from her grasp.  He ran over to Armin, with Mikasa, signalling Diana to follow, she did with haste. He wrapped his arms around them. The cannon fire sounded, but a pulse of electricity shot through the air as a titan body formed around the friends, blocking the cannon fire. 

He'd turned again. 

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