Chapter 5: Not Quite to Plan

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He caught it. 

The cannonball. 

Well, his titan did. Eren had partially transformed to save his friends. 

After this, Armin managed to talk the group out of being killed, along with the help of commander Pyxis who both made the argument that Eren may be useful to humanity. He furthered his point by convincing them that Eren could plug the breach at Trost, as well as the other walls. Eren was more than happy to agree to this, though he wasn't sure that he could definitely do it. Diana, too, was wary, we barely understand his powers, how can Pyxis be so confident in his capabilities? 

Pyxis had given the graduates the tasks to keep the titans distracted, long enough for Eren to use the boulder in Trost and plug the hole, then there were to destroy the titans that were left within the walls. Of course, many were not happy with this idea. Who can blame them? Leaving the fate of humanity to a titan, whomever it was controlled by, seems like the craziest idea. The thought fluttered through Diana's mind Yet it is our best, and currently, only plan and we certainly don't have the machinery nor manpower to plug the wall ourselves, too many lives would be lost. 

So it was down to Eren, unfortunately, he didn't know he was a titan until just moments ago, if he didn't even remember turning what's to say it won't happen again? Many of the soldiers had this feeling, a fear that with this transformation the repercussions might be worse. Their minds raced.

What if he turns on us? 

Is that a risk we should be taking?

Is there nothing else we can do?

Commander Pyxis, however, seemed fairly confident in his plan, or a least he was putting on a brave face. Currently, he was explaining the plan to the soldiers, most of whom looked terrified and outraged at the idea. Knowing that a Titan was the thing the soldiers were relying on wasn't very comforting, even to Diana, but she still trusted Eren. She almost knew he'd be able to do this; despite her faith, however, she had a voice in the back of her head that worried this was all going to go very wrong. Though her worry was more for her friend, she hated the idea that Eren could end up getting killed.

I believe in him though.

Commander Pyxis finished his speech leaving the soldier below him looking dumbfounded, most scared. But this was their only opportunity to fix the breach and give wall Rose a chance to survive. To give the Human race a chance to survive. After a few moments of silence, the commanders began giving out orders of where each soldier was to be assigned. Luckily for her Diana was put alongside Eren, to be his main protection with Mikasa and a few others from their division. A position both Mikasa and Diana were happy with, they refused to be away from him. 

The time was now, the soldier rushed through the streets on their ODM gear, following Eren to the boulder. Diana's heart began to pound with every inch that they grew closer to the boulder. This was it. A chance for the humans to take back what the Titans tried to take from us. A huge step forwards for mankind. It was now or never. Her mind cleared, she was ready, excited almost to take this leap. 

Eren let out a groan of determination, his eyes full of fire as he bit down into his hand. The familiar flash of lightning followed and his Titan form emerged. Diana's eyes widened at the sight, his transformation was instant, the titan form wrapped around him. Eren let out a scream, as Mikasa and Diana watch closely from the rooftops nearby.  

His Titan form turned to us, eyes glowing green, he looked terrifying. Diana's hopeful look began to drop, she sensed something was wrong. Without hesitation, Eren's titan pulled its monstrous hand back before throwing it at his friend. 

The two girls went flying.

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