Slow gentle patterns that soothed Lucifer's soul continued until the angel was done.

Lucifer felt so peaceful and tired, that a few more minutes and he would definitely fall asleep right here, using his husband's neck as his favourite pillow.

"Don't fall asleep on me now, angel. This is an uncomfortable as fuck position and as much as I like it, I like my back more." a deep, husky voice spoke in his ear and Lucifer shivered, before breaking into a tired smile.

Gods, he missed him. So fucking much.

He broke away from the God's neck (albeit, begrudgingly because it felt really good) and finally faced the latter.

And Lucifer swooned.

There was that precious face that he was dying to see! Those dazzling blue eyes staring at him from behind the curtains of beautiful black hair, that fell down in a fancy twirl, capturing his attention.

Hades was finally here. Back in his arms again, where he belonged and the gorgeous sight made him smile.

"Hi." Lucifer wanted to say but his voice croaked and the words felt garbled, even to him and he frowned, the same time as Hades grimaced.

"You look like shit." Hades deadpanned and Lucifer smiled more.

"Now you wanna tell me why you look like a zombie on crack, who hasn't slept in a month. And while we are at it, also tell me why your body is on fire right now, and not the good kind of fire either." The god asked seriously, and Lucifer broke into laughter, which soon subsided into coughs and Hades was on alert instantly.

Lucifer tried to say something back but before he could utter a word, Hades opened his mouth none- too- gently to observe. Lucifer rolled his eyes and tried to say something but Hades smacked him on the cheek gently, before taking Lucifer's hand in his, and feeling the pulse on his wrist. He moved his other hand to place it over the Angel's forehead, feeling it up.

"Breathe normally for me." He commanded and Lucifer knew now was not the time to fuck around so he obeyed. He took a deep breath in and out and again, watching a now scowling Hades.

"Am I going to live, Doctor?" He asked jokingly, and Hades flicked him on the forehead, before replying in a no nonsense tone.

"You have a high fever and your throat is fucked up, have you been vomiting?" Lucifer avoided his eyes, for he did vomit a couple of times during the day, as he just couldn't keep any food in.

And his straying eyes were enough of an answer for the god, who pursued his lips

"When was the last time you ate?" Hades asked.

"Uh, noon? I don't feel any appetite but I tried anyway and that's when I puked..."

The angel answered softly, before breaking into a fit of coughs again.

Hades nodded and started to get up, intending to move away from Lucifer, who caught his wrist in a vice grip, instinctively, looking at him with wide ocean eyes.

"Where are you going?" The angel asked, voice still recovering from his coughing, and Hades stared at him blankly before his eyes softened and he pinched Lucifer's nose, making the latter scowl and use his hand to bat the god away.

"Calm down, will you? I am not going anywhere, anytime soon. Your stupid ass obviously can't take care of yourself without my genius self here.

I was gone, for what? Two days? And in that time, you caught a bitch of a cold, threw up a million times and you look like the ugly version of Herbert from the family guy. And that guy is already very ugly." Hades ranted with a roll of his eyes, and Lucifer scowled.

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