
393 9 328

Pairing: HadesxLucifer 

There were days when you felt like you couldn't do anything right.

A worthless disgrace.

Was the word you'd use for yourself, the cascade of negativity watering your self doubt, and giving birth to fruits of uncertainties. You feel tired and overwhelmed, an empty feeling that makes you dizzy.

Maybe it was overwork? Or, maybe it was the fact that he couldn't really focus on work today? Perhaps he woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Or something to do with the fact that he hadn't seen his husband since the last three days. Who knows?

He wasn't sure why but it was loud and clear to the angel that he wasn't feeling the best today.

He was tired and had no energy, both physically and mentally exhausted and all he felt like wanting to do was throw himself on the bed and close his eyes.

With the goal clear in mind, he teleported to the bedroom because walking felt too energy consuming, and he was sure his limbs wouldn't work too well, for they felt tired and achy.

Lucifer, the angel of light, king and lord of Hell, finally reached his room, after having teleported right in front of the bed.

The mystic black curtains draped over the window were opened, leading to the lush green garden outside, adorned with glittering flowers and pomegranate trees. The king-sized bed laying under the heavenly image of Aurora Borealis, which danced to the symphony of an unheard melody. The cluttered desk with files and pictures of their family members.

It was all there. The room was exactly what it had always been, but there was one thing that was missing, the most important thing was not here and the realization made Lucifer sigh heavily.

It was expected but disappointing just the same. Hades wasn't here today either, the same way he hadn't been home for the past three days.

It wasn't his fault, Lucifer tried to tell himself. He is just busy with the hospital and his lab work and on top of that, Hades was dealing with some rogues in his kingdom as well. It was extremely hectic and it was only natural for his husband to be busy.

But fuck, it bothers me just the same. I haven't seen him in days and it's driving me insane.

Lucifer sighed again and shook his head, before dragging himself to the bed, coughing a little in between, before slumping down on the soft mattress, groaning contentedly.

The warmth of the softness underneath him was a definite relief to his achy muscles, it was incredibly comforting and so it wasn't a surprise when he melted right there.

His head was throbbing and he could feel a dizziness enveloping his body, as he stared out of the window at the night sky covered with millions of twinkling stars. He was glad he had opened the curtains in the morning because the feeling of the cold breeze embracing him, travelling through the open window was very pleasant.

Even more so, when he noticed a group of fireflies flying outside, illuminating the moonlit night with their luminous intensity. It was gorgeous and Lucifer smiled at the sight.

Hades would love this.

The lord of the underworld could pretend to be uninterested in trivial matters such as this, but that was all it was- pretend.

The truth of the matter was that Hades loved the smallest things in life. He loved brownies and cake like any other commoner with a massive sweet tooth, he loved the gentle pitter patter of rain, he adored the smell of the earth after the downpour, he loved the sunlight and the lush green gardens.

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