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" Dadddyy "

Minjun ran towards Jungkook once he came back home from work

" My minmin "

He lifted his son kissing his cheek he miss his young babie

" Daddy it's so hot nowadays "

" Then ... What about going to the beach and eating a lot of ice cream ? "

" When can we go ? " his eyes were sprinkling from excitement

" Tomorrow if you want "

" Yaaaay daddy is the best "

he pecked a kiss on his father's lips hugging him tight

Jimin as usual was melting seeing every interact between his son and his father

With his smile that he can't hide and his eyes that were showing his happiness

Next morning when they reached to the private city where Jungkook took them ..

It was a private city where only few elites are allowed to go there ..

Jimin and Minjun were fascinated by the beautiful view and the big house where they supposed to stay

" Wow ! That's hella big house "

Jimin was just acting the same everytime he see something fancy

" It's all yours baby "

" haha yeah * he laughed sarcastically * you know if i worked for 30 years i won't be able to afford a room inside this house "

Jungkook placed his hands on Jimin's cheeks

" You don't have to do anything ... what's mine is yours my love " he pecked a kiss on Jimin's forehead

" Wait ! What ! Is this huge house is yours ! Dammit how much do you earn ?! "

" a lot baby "

Jungkook was proud of himself for impressing his husband

" Daddy the sea looks beautiful can we swim ? "

" mmm .. Minmin it's pretty dangerous there .. we can do anything but we can't go near the beach .. Please be careful and never go there .. Come on let me show you your roon "

He hold his son's hand walking upstairs leaving Jimin confused as ever ..

He went to the kitchen since he was hungry checking the fridge ..

" Oh god ! Is this the fridge of a king ?! "

He said as soon as he opened it seeing plenty of expensive products , food , snacks , sweets , plenty of the best champagne brand ...

He grabbed a bottle and tried to open it but it splashed all over his face and his clothes

" Dammit that's why i don't like rich stuff "

" Oh i just left you for two seconds and you are all wet already "

Jungkook was teasing him but Jimin was a better tease

He approached Jungkook biting his own lips

" What about make you wet too ? "

He quickly splashed the rest of the bottle on Jungkook

" Fine you started it "

Jungkook grabbed another bottle and opened it splashing it on Jimin

They kept playing around till Jimin slipped his legs and fall down on the floor causing Jungkook to fall over him

Jungkook kept starring at how hot is Jimin's chest that was showing under his wet white shirt ...

He ripped his shirt licking his hard nipples while looking at Jimin's erotic expression hearing his soft moaning

" Jungkook-h .. stop .. Minjun can hear us "

" then stay quiet "

He placed his hand on Jimin's mouth and bite his chest leaving hickeys everywhere while Jimin was moaning softly trying his best not to be loud

" that's so intense-h ... I wanna eat you already "

Jimin quickly pushed his pants down opening his legs wide

He likes this feeling of Jungkook's tongue moving on his sensitive spot

After that they kept fucking for who knows how long but it was long enough to make Jimin already unable to move

Jungkook lifted him bride style walking to their room .. They just noticed that it was already midnight so they decided to cuddle and sleep .

Next morning Jimin was feeling okay so he decided to go and have a close look at the beach totally ignoring what Jungkook already said yesterday .

Jimin was just not understanding what can be so dangerous about the sea .

He was walking in front of the house looking at the sand under his feet it looks clear while approaching the beach

Jungkook was sleeping when he couldn't feel warm anymore he opened his eyes to an empty bed

He got up thinking maybe Jimin was just in the kitchen because he is definitely hungry after all the exercises they did yesterday

he walked down stairs to an empty kitchen all bad scenarios kept coming to his mind ... no there's no way Jimin could go to the beach !

he opened the front door and his eyes opened wide

" JIMIN ! DON'T " he ran as fast as he can towards the beach shouting

Jimin froze on his spot looking back and all what he can see is Jungkook running frightening

he could hear a gun blast sound but he doesnt know where its coming from ..

he couldn't understand what's the hell is going ..

feeling Jungkook jumping on him and slamming him to the ground so the gun shot missed its target

" ARE YOU CRAZY I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME CLOSE TO THE BEACH * He shoutes crying hugging his husband tight * I THOUGHT I LOST YOU "

" Jungkook calm down I'm fine ! Why are you crying ? " he never saw Jungkook in this state before

" Why can't you understand how much i care about you ? * he couldn't stop his tears * i already warned you ! it's a military base you can't walk anywhere without permission ! what were you trying to do ? Killing yourself ?! i would die if something happened to you "

Jimin lifted Jungkook's head with his hands

" I never saw you like that before .. Please calm down .. I'm fine .. I'm sorry "

he pecked a warm kiss on Jungkook's forehead

But no matter how Jimin tried to comfort Jungkook he could see how frightened he is and how his whole body was shivering

it's definitely the fear of losing your beloved ones

the fear of waking up one day finding them  already left you ...

moved to somewhere else you don't know..

and totally disappearing from your life .

" It's okay my love i promise i would never leave you i will always stay with you "

He patted Jungkook's head letting him to rest on his chest comforting him

" Jimin you will always stay with me right ? you won't leave me ? "

" I would never leave you Jungkook "

For the rest of the day Jungkook stayed in bed with his husband and son hugging them not wanting to do anything else ..

He just feel assured this way .


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