Chapter 16

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Something inside of me is breaking. I can feel it tearing like the seams of a dress. Barely recognisable over the roaring sound in my ears. Everything hurts. My skin is too tight, my eyes burn as though I am staring at the sun, and my bones feel uncomfortably heavy. I grit my teeth against the pain and close my eyes. The darkness does not bring me the relief I'm craving, and I want to scream.

Owen is still talking to me. No doubt trying to persuade me he is a better man than he now seems. His voice is a dull murmur somewhere in the distance as I focus on everything else taking place in my body. My heart is pounding violently, trying to beat its way out of my chest and there is a pressure building in my bones. I am so afraid that if I don't try to contain it, then I could hurt someone.

The Undoing has not stopped screaming, part fury and part fear. I beg my sluggish body to respond and plead with the Undoing to calm and work with me.

It reacts as though it can hear me and I swear the screams are becoming clearer and I am beginning to understand what it is saying. It's not just screaming, it's speaking to me.

"Stand up, it's time to announce me as your betrothed darling." Owen says in a nauseatingly sweet tone.

"I can't." I whisper as he pulls me to my feet.

"Don't you want to protect your foolish little prince? I will not hesitate to kill him if you don't obey my orders."

The Undoing moans in distress. We cannot lose Ezra, but we cannot do this and risk our Kingdom.

Owen has pulled me onto the small platform where the musicians were performing and silenced them and the crowd with a wave of his hand.

He looks different now. His body stands a little taller, his face a little more angular and his eyes a little harder. How has he hidden this side of him all these years? How did I never see it?

I try not to double over with the pain as he stands to speak with an imperious smile playing across his lips. "Thank you, everyone, for coming to Queen Elora's betrothal ball."

More like a betrayal ball, I think to myself as a smattering of applause breaks out in the crowd watching us. None of the faces looking back at me seem aware of the danger we are all in. No one knows and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I am helpless and I hate it.

My eyes are swimming with unshed tears of pain and frustration, and it feels impossible to pretend that everything is normal.

"Now, our beautiful Queen will announce who she has chosen." He smiles and slips his hand in mine as though to confirm the crowd's suspicions.

I know, without a doubt, that I am about to make the biggest mistake of my life.

"I," I choke out and Owen squeezes my hand hard enough I feel the bones crunch together. "I, Queen Elora of the Light Court-"

Movement at the top of the staircase catches my eye and I look up blearily. Two figures are slipping through the door. Both beaten and bloody, but alive and clearly recognisable as Alessia and Ezra.

A dark figure cloaked entirely in black is dragged behind them, cuffed in silver chains. A small gasp escapes me before I can stop it. Silver chains are only used to neutralise the most powerful magic, and I cannot help but wonder who that is.

Owen notices the new arrivals at the same moment, and his hand moves up my arm, clutching it in warning. My body tilts back as it instinctively leans away from him, even in its delirious state. I feel Owen squeeze tighter, fingernails digging deep into my flesh, but all I can see is Ezra's face.

He looks uncertain, and I realise what it looks like. Although I know the truth about Owen now, he doesn't. He thinks I'm choosing him.

"It changes nothing." Owen hisses. "Do as I say, or I will kill everything you've ever loved. Don't forget what I have already taken from you. Your parents, your friend, your brother."

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