Chapter 14

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The morning of the ball dawns like any other. With me exhausted from lack of sleep and already wishing it was over.

I spend my day hiding in my chambers. Reading and rereading Mother's words. I don't know what I am hoping for exactly. Something in me is certain they must hold the answers I need to make the right choice.

It's early afternoon before I notice Alessia's frustration at being trapped in the room with me and encourage her to check on security for the ball whilst I continue.

"Please keep the doors open? Just so I know, they will hear you if you need them." She nods to the two guards stood either side of my door.

"I will be fine, but if it will calm you, then, of course." I laugh.

She takes a deep breath, as though she is fighting to hold on to her professional expression. "I'll be back in an hour."

I give her a little wave before scooping up the next diary. So far, the only one I've identified is missing, comes from just after Ayden and I were born. That in itself sets off alarm bells, but I remind myself that I need to focus on the things I can do and control.

The sharp sound of metal on metal has the book flying from my hands."Elora?"

My head turns sharply towards the familiar voice at the door. Ezra smiles sheepishly at her path, blocked by the guard's blades.

"Let him through." I order with a wave of my hand as I slide off the bed.

"But the Captain said- " One of the guard's protests.

"I don't care what Alessia said, I am your Queen." I frown at the resistance in the guard's tone.

The two guards exchange a look, as though they are trying to work out who they are more afraid of. Then they shrug and step aside.

Ezra straightens his tunic and gives them a grin before joining me in the seats by the window.

"I didn't see you at breakfast or lunch?"

"I know. I had a lot of thinking to do. What did you need?"

The distance between us is small, but it feels vast. There is so much that he doesn't know about me.

"To see you? Is that not reason enough to visit?"


He rolls his eyes at my warning tone. "Fine. I just had word from my father that he would not approve of a match between us."

I notice he is refusing to meet my eye. "What does that mean?"

"It doesn't have to mean anything, but I thought you should be aware. I never expected him to stand in the way of this, which is why I never asked him."

"Did he share his reasons?"

Ezra winces, as though he had hoped I wouldn't ask this question, but has realised he cannot avoid it now. "He believe the days of the light court are numbered and your last battle proved you cannot defend yourselves."

My jaw drops, and it takes a minute for me to compose myself. "We won that battle. Despite your Father and several royals refusing to provide support."

"I am aware, but he has a point. Perhaps if your brother hadn't tried to take on a hoard of hundreds of Dearg Due, he would still be here. Perhaps my brother would still be here?" He shrugs. "All I am saying is I understand what he is saying. It doesn't have to mean anything, but you will need to make better choices than he did if we are to lead together."

I felt the fury stir the Undoing inside of me. "Better choices? Well, maybe if my brother hadn't trusted yours, then a lot fewer people would have been lost that day."

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