Chapter 12

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The following day, I wake early to visit Ezra in the recovery wing. For a moment, I hesitate at the door. What if he has not recovered enough? What if he has recovered, but he saw something about what I am? Can I ever trust him?

The door opens ahead of me and steals my moment of uncertainty, "My Queen." Violet drops into a low curtsy.

"Good morning Violet, how are you?" I reply, gesturing for her to rise.

"I am well, your majesty. I don't suppose you came to exchange pleasantries with me. It will please you to know your Prince is awake." She smiles.

"He's not my anything!" I let out a small embarrassed laugh. "As delighted as I am by your company, I must confess you are right about an ulterior motive. I have to spend time with each of the finalists today, so I thought I would start with our patient first."

She chuckles and encourages me through the door, "He is much recovered thanks to a little magic."

The look she gives is significant. Without the Undoing, he might not still be here. For perhaps the first time since I discovered my gift, I am grateful for it. It doesn't have to be the curse it initially seemed.

"I am glad to hear that. Could I ask one favour of you?"

"Anything, your highness."

"The books and diaries you mentioned?" I swallow hard as I think of my Mother, "Would you have them sent to my room at some point today?"

If she hears the shake in my voice, she doesn't react to it. "Absolutely, your highness."

"Did I hear you say I was your first choice?" A voice asks from the bed nearest the window, dragging my mind from the memories.

"Back to your normal annoying self. I see Prince Ezra." I say with an eye roll as I turn to face him.

"I prefer charming or enigmatic thank you, princess." Ezra chuckles, swinging his legs over the side and getting up slowly.

"And I prefer to only be called by my proper title of Queen, but here we are."

Violet snorts a laugh and tries to hide it with a cough as she tidies an already organised shelf to busy her hands.

"Do you mind if I borrow him?" I ask her.

Violet's eyebrows shoot up, disappearing under her unruly curls. "Absolutely not. I should be glad to be rid of him truly. No offence Prince Ezra."

She shoots the last bit over her shoulder and Ezra claps his hands to his chest, falling dramatically against the wall, "Oh you wound me, Violet. Thank goodness you're a healer."

Violet bites back a smile and shakes her head. "I don't believe your Prince knows the meaning of peace."

"I do, I just know that they're not something I enjoy." Ezra joins us by the door, "So where are you taking me, princess?"

I take a deep breath to stop myself from snapping at him. "I must spend time with each of the last champions and I thought I would speak with you first."

"I knew I was your first choice." Ezra laughs, darting forward to press a kiss to the tip of my nose, before dancing out of reach before I can react.

"Are you ever serious?" I groan, waving to Violet as we make our way out into the corridor.

"You know I can be, but a near death experience does wonders for the mood and I doubt I will be serious again for quite some time."

I try to hide my smile. "I've had breakfast set up on the terrace if you'll follow me."

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