And after that, I felt a tap on the shoulder so I turned around to see Freddy with Vanny beside him, "You're turn superstar" He told me so I intentionally lost so I could spend time with Vanny. "Okay, what arcade do you want to try?" I ask her and she takes her time to look around, her eyes landed on another shooting game.

"What about that one?" She points to Time Crisis, "Sure, why not?" I replied and so we inserted our tokens then started playing. We played till the last level and I'm surprised at how well she got used to this, "Hey you two, after this, we'll get something to eat alright?" He asked us and so we agreed.

After a playthrough, Me, Freddy, and Vanny walk to the nearest restaurant, in surprised no one instantly recognized him, I guess his makeup made them think he's different looking. We took a seat and Freddy called for a waiter, the waiter came, wait a minute, have I seen him before?

"Good afternoon gentlemen, ma'am, my name is NN and I will be your waiter" He says as he placed the menu on the table, A sudden flashback of the time I saw him at the flower garden. "Excuse me, I don't want to be rude or anything but, have you been in a flower garden days ago?" I asked him and he smiled, "I sure did sir, what a coincidence if you saw me there" He replied and he heard his name called by a grey fox, who was in view for the customers to see their food getting cooked.

"I'll be back" He excused himself, "Alright, take what you want and I'll pay for it" He says but I disagreed, "I'll pay half, it's fair" I told him, he wants to disagree but when I stroke my money on his cheek he agreed. "So, after a break, everything will be back to normal" I guessed and he nodded, "Hey, at least you two had fun" Freddy said and I glanced at Vanny who was drinking her iced tea.

She smiled when she saw us looking at her, so I pat her on the head, "So, you think Peepaw will be fine?" I ask him, it's not like I care about him. "He will, besides, It's the owner's decision, I just happened to agree to it" He replied, "So, what're you gonna do after this?" I ask him after sipping my ice tea.

"Well, get some rest and do the rest after, How about you?" He asked me, "Well, I could use some rest too. Maybe go back to work after that" I replied and our order came. "I see you took pictures of us, mind if I see?" I told him and he smiled, he thanked NN before pulling out his phone to show it to me.

A compilation of me, Vanny, and him playing arcade, a couple of pictures of him eating popcorn with Vanny which made me jealous. "You didn't tell me you guys ate popcorn" I said with a hint of jealousy, "Oh, Vanny wanted it, I can't say no to that" He replied, so I grab my fork, "Well, let's eat" I told him and we started chowing down.

"I was wondering" I said after gulping the food, "What will Vanny do there when there's a party?" I ask him thinking he has a plan for it already. "I haven't thought about it, but, the first thing that came to my mind is her to be your assistant or something else" He shrugged, I guess I could use her as an assistant, "How about she takes over the map bots place? That map bot sure is annoying" I replied, he put his hand on his chin, thinking about it.

"Maybe, but let's see if the others will like it, and think about it further" He replied, I glance at Vanny who was eating quietly, "How about we ask her? Would the owner allow it?" I ask him not sure if we're the ones to decide. "She'll be good as a security, and I'll talk to the manager about it so don't worry" He replied, "How about it, you'll be my assistant, isn't that fun?" I ask her.

"Will it be fun?" She asked me, "Well, it depends on your mood" I replied, "Anyways, let's finish and head back" Freddy told us so we agreed. "I wonder what's Roxanne doing" I thought to myself.

Roxanne POV

"Achoo!" I rub my nose after suddenly sneezing out of the blue, "What's wrong? You sick?" Monty asked me, "I think someone just mentioned my name" I replied, I wonder where YN is, "I'll be taking a walk" Monty says.

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