What use would it make anyways? She missed the chance. She had to be lucky enough if she wanted to catch her again, not to say her moves would be running out.

Aerie had no choice. She walked into the room after making a cross on the wall more forcefully than she should, which left a few wood scraps on the ground because of that. After that there were a lot more turns, and a lot more of walking and marking. She went into a lot more rooms that already had markings, hers, Cade's. And there were a few rooms which only had one door left.

The walk continued for god knows how long. Aerie somehow got bored. Really bored. The walls weren't really that high- there were a bit higher than two meters, and she had passed less than 50 rooms. Only if there were some sort of leader that she could make use of. Only if she could break through the white ceiling.

Aerie jumped. Nope. Too short for her to reach the top.

The room was empty. It always had been. Carpets under her feet, white concrete above her head. Surrounded by four solid doors. Aerie looked up. And then down. Which she instantly drew her pen knife and cut the carpet open, hoping that the thick layer of mattress could somehow have something that could be moved and stacked up on, and get her closer to the top.

And it did. The layer of blue carpet was completely movable, and was considerably thick too. A bit heavy to hold, but the thickness of the wool told her that if she went through six to eight more rooms she could stack herself high enough to reach the top.

The feeling when she placed the last piece of mattress under her feet was so rewarding that Aerie smiled. From the bottom of her heart.

And she should be digging. Now that she stood on top of a massive pile, half of the heights of the doors were blocked. She used the holder end of the pen knife to knock on the ceiling. It would be quiet a lot of work, she sighed. That the concrete was actually thick.

She still started the digging anyways.

For another eros, she ha still been trying to make some sort of progress. But all that happened was Aerie turning herself into a snowman covered in white dust and the ceiling still intact and thick as it should. Aerie believed that if she somehow stood still in the middle of the street in the middle of a winter day, they would believe that someone was having a low quality cosplay for one.

Aerie could feel the ceiling was laughing at her when she fell back onto the stack of mattress out of frustration. When will this end? She would either rot in the endless amount of rooms, twisting and turning and never find an exit- not to say that they had to get hold of the antidote before they leave!

She punched the ceiling hard and fell back onto her back. It was not breaking, and nobody knows why.

But it was that second when she made the punch, it fell. A hole. Small one. Through the wall, but enough for her too see though.

"Trying to cheat, heh?" A pair of eyes popped from the hole. Same pair of eyes, but did not fail to haunt her. Aerie screamed, loud and hard. "Apparently your friend here also tried to cheat. So unlucky for the both of you."

The laughter- the wired and fake laugher was the last thing that she heard before she fainted.

When she finally woke up again, she was inside a completely new room, dark and wide, unlike the one just now, bright and white.

"Cheating." Lovelock said dryly. "You know what happens now."

Aerie gulped. God knows how long had she been here, or how much longer should she be tied to a chair. She could feel herself being pulled towards her, from the end of the seat towards the front, sir blowing her hair behind her face.

"The both of you." Lovelock said when her chair stopped in front of her. She sat on the office table, staring at Aerie who now had both of her hands tied to the back of her. "Funny. Both of you were so interested in cheating from the game. Don't you now whats 'playing properly'? Only difference is literally one going by the ceiling and the other going through the ground."

"Heh." Aerie laughed, "whats the use of playing in a game with no chance of winning?"

"Then whats use of finding an antidote to a poison that had no cure?" Lovelock replied, "even if you don't know that it could not be cured, then at Cade should know. He has lived longer, know better about immortal affairs."

"No, lady." Aerie said, "You survived."

Lovelock laughed, pushing her chair away out of reflex. She laughed so loud that the air pierced through the air and echoed through the entire room. It even made Aerie's eardrums hurt due to the vibrations.

"Lets see then." She said, "about whats being hopeless."

Aerie's Fallen ImmortalWhere stories live. Discover now