Chapter 29

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"You would not be returning me to that hell again, Cade." Aerie said, "If I had one last breath, I would not allow that to happen. You never know how painful that is, because you have never experiences that, right? The feeling of being hopeless? All I could do until three months ago was to hope that one day I could have a family. Some place wheresoever that I could feel happy and safe in."

"I am sorry." Cade whispered.

"No you aren't!" Aerie yelled, "Because you're making the exact same decision that you had made eleven years ago, I knew! I don't care. I will be going through this with you."

"If—" Cade said, "If I told you everything, every single one detail of my past, my present. You would run away. In fear, I believe."

"I said, I don't care." Aerie said, "Your past is none of my business. But your future, is mine."

"I am sorry." Cade whispered, "I- I have been scared of heartbreaks. I never knew that others would suffer from it instead."

"I doesn't have to be a heartbreak. Not every time." Aerie said.

She sat still in her seat, meeting those chocolate eyes of Cade's. There were scents of red in his eyes, possibly him tearing up, or maybe of the stress. But his eyes only told her that he was sincere. "We can do this together."

"I simply could not bear the horror of losing you." Cade said, "you knew I took you as my family. I- and I could not stand to see you— You know the risks, Aerie. You are definitely smart enough to know what would happen when you're going into a place filled with murderous people."

"I do." Aerie said, "I have seen them myself."

"You have only seen one." Cade replied, "And I am talking about hundreds of them." 

"Then I would be seeing then in the future, right?" Aerie said, "It doesn't matter. What matters is that every instinct of mine are telling me that you would not be retuning- I will not let that happen, okay?"

"If thats what you insist then you will have to look at he all of these." Cade said, pulling a few files out from his drawer, "which are the amps that would lead us to them, and the time that you might need. Its gonna take a few weeks. Two at best. And not to say if anything, we might actually be taking months or never getting back if we got caught."

"Its okay." Aerie said, "I'll ask someone to get some nots for me, and have some fun in the library afterwards. Two weeks, eh?"

"The minimum, mind." Cade said, arranging the books and maps on the table. "Do you know anything about knives or guns, or weapons in general?"

"Why would I ever know anything about that?" Aerie said, "I never touched a gun before, and I only use knives when I am cooking."

"Oh no you did." Cade said, "holding a gun with both hands, and the missing the shot because you did not put the gun at eye level. Worse than a beginner, I must admit."

"How did you know?" Aerie said, "I have never told you."

"Never mind about that." Cade said, "if you want one I can get one for you."

"What? A gun?" Aerie asked, "How-"

"I already have a few of those in my closet. You can grab them if you want." Cade continued, "some of them are fully loaded, so I recommend you be careful with those."

"You- you can't have that much-" Aerie exclaimed when she opened the closet in the back, and some of them fell out of the closet as it was way too full, "how many trips of smuggling from America could you-"

"Oh those weren't smuggled from there." Cade said, "feel free to try them out for a shot or two. I'll be telling you about stuff that related to the shooting later."

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