"What If I was?" 

"I am so dissapointed..." He uttered and then this drive started with them making their way to school. "Why?" She didn't lose the chance to ask him. "Because the strong minded stubborn Bong Cha gave up that easily. That is not the Bong Cha I know!" He complained.

"What do you want me Kwan, Go in front of the whole school and say that I like Xu Minghao?" She muttered. "Its still a better solution that doing nothing..." He smirked. "Yep No way... He is not even looking at me in the hallways..." She laid her head back. 

"Okay So lets make a bet...." 

"What kind of bet?" She crossed her arms. She already knew she was gonna regret that type of question. "We'll be in the hallway, When he gets in you will look at him, If at any point he turns to look at you more than 5 seconds, You will confess somehow..." He announced. 

"Are you serious? I can't do that He doesn't like me..." She confessed not even knowing the facts. "Are you stupid? If he turns to look at you for this long it means he still likes you..."


"Why so afraid? You said that he doesnt even turn to look at you. Whats the matter then?" He had that sly smirk on. "Me? Afraid? I am not afraid!" She swallowed in anxiety. Deep down she knew she was petrified of any type of interaction with Xu Minghao. He was making her nervous all along but she was way to good at concealing it. 

"Then Is it a bet?" He didn't stop smiling. "Y-Yeah, Lets do that..." Kwan exposed his hand and Bong Cha weakly shook it."Perfect hehe" He had that wicked laugh every time he was getting excited. 

"Dont laugh like that, Its embarrassing..." 

"And you are grumpy again..." He uttered while parking the car on the school parking lot. "We are hereee! I am so excited..." He turned the engine off. "Of course you are. Its my humiliation day..." She walked out of the car and slammed the door. 

Kwan ran to match his steps with hers and placed one hand around her shoulders. "Lets go in bestie!" He was exaggerating to agitate her. "Dont touch me I will sterilise you..."She announced while slapping his hand of her shoulder and approaching her locker. "That sounds painful..." The poor man announced. 

"Trust me it is..." 

"We are gonna stand here!" He grabbed her by her shoulders and placed her right in front of her lockers. "What did I say about touching me?" As soon as she reminded him he let go with a weak smile.

"Fine I am sorry, I am not gonna touch you again, But dont move from here." He ordered. "What if he doesn't come though!" She was trying to think of an excuse. "He is not you... Hao is cool..." 

"Then why dont you date him?" She was about to walk away but Kwan grabbed her and placed her back to the place he told her to stay. "Are we gonna wait here for the whole day? What If he doesn't com-"As soon as she said that the door fell open. Her eyes focused on the man that was getting in. 

Xu Minghao. 

He came after all. 

"Told you so..." Kwan whispered and laid his back on the locker. The girl swallowed hard and took a step back only to be in contact with the lockers. She held her books tighter on her chest while trying not to gulp or sweat. 

Although she didn't want to look at him because she was embarrassed she couldnt help herself. The man was about to pass by her. 

Please dont look at me, Please dont look at me...

She was praying inside her mind. When he was about to pass her by she felt relieved he didn't even look. But for her bad luck that's when he discreetly turned his head to lock eyes with her. His eyes were so different in moments like these, more soft than she knew eyes could be.

"1... 2... 3" Kwan was literally counting while these two were gazing at each other. Bong Cha totally forgot about the bet when their eyes came to this type of interaction. She wanted to talk to him but something was keeping her back, exactly like him. 

"4... 5..." And at this point Hao swerved his friend to his front and continued walking. She was almost parazyzed. "YESSSS!" Kwan cheered as soon as Hao was gone and literally jumped towards her. She almost lost her balance and the man grabbed her. 

"Hey, You okay?" 



"I am gonna do it..." She whispered to herself only because she was still emotionally unstable after that look he gave her. It was more than just a random glance on the hallways she could have done with literally anyone.  The way their eyes met was speaking of true emotions and even If it was late at least she should try.

"That's my best friend!!!" He hugged her and they both ran inside their classroom. After the first teaching hour was over Bong Cha picked up her stuff and was about to do some actions until Kwan stopped her. 

"Where are you going?" The boy asked. 

"I have a plan. I know that he is not gonna forgive me that easily this time so I thought of something... kinda dangerous..." She whispered the last part. "What is it? I like Danger..." Bong Cha leaned to his ear and whispered. The man gasped and averted his mouth with his hand. 

"You wouldn't dare..." He whispered in total shock. "Will you help me take the teachers out of the classroom, or not?" She had that sly smirk while Seungkwan was literally lefty with his mouth open. 

"You must really like this guy..." He uttered. 

"Will you?" 

"How can I not, when I love you so much?" He patted her head. The both got up so he can hug her. "I am so proud of you..." He whispered while they were still hugging. The girl closed her eyes and smiled.

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