Convergence part-1

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"You really came, huh?" Boruto said, moonlight complimenting his tall posture. His blue orbs that was cold as ice few months ago, now turned into the sapphire blue that I always adore.

"Lets begin the story,"he added with a smile.

"What story?" I asked, seriousness never leaving my face since I got here.

He replied with a sad smile.

He felt like a different new character, fully different than the heartless murderer few months ago.

"You can let your guard down, I'm not here to fight," Boruto said with the same sad smile, "I am here to tell you the truth." He added.

"What truth?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The truth behind my actions. Why am I doing all this, my whole reason to live. My fate, my goal, everything." He replied.

It's about damn time.

"Spill the beans." I said, seriousness leaving my face and replaced with a calm one.

"Well, the story goes back to 7 years ago." 

Flashback-After Toneri took Boruto to his castle.

Boruto POV

"Who would've thought there is a castle in the moon." I said to no one in particular. Mr. Toneri brought me here to make me strong enough to beat my dad.

"Now, first and foremost, we have to do something about your karma." Mr.Toneri said, his gaze pointed towards my palm.

I lifted my hand to observe the mark planted on my palm.

It felt weird.

"For starters....." he explained what karma was.

"The Fuck!?!? I am gonna become Momoshiki?!?" I shouted with fear and uncertainty.

"Calm down, that's why I brought you here." He replied with a soothing tone. Which calmed me down.

"I'm gonna prepare a jutsu which casts away a soul. In your case, Momoshiki will be kicked out of your vessel." He stated, "although the karma will remain on your body."

"How?" I replied with confusion.

"This jutsu will cast away the soul but the power will still remain on your body."

"Meaning- " I trailed.

"Momoshiki's abilities will remain on your body which will be a great source of power for you."

With that, Mr. Toneri started meditating for 3 days without a break. After completion of the jutsu, he chanted few words. Instantly, my body glowed, it felt like every cell of my body burnt. I screamed my lungs out. After 5 minutes of experiencing hell, my body stopped glowing and I was knocked out.

After opening my eyes, I was welcomed with an unfamiliar ceiling. I lifted my upper body with the help of my both arms and observed the room. The room was decorated as if a royalty resided here. The floor was designed with a with black marble and the ceiling was majestically white. There were tea tables, mirrors, everything designed with rich marbles and other decorative products.

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