The bully who kicked him just moments before positioning his body in front of the girl, blocking the dark-haired teen's line of sight of her when she giggled.

"You were looking, then." The bully kicked the teen once again, leaving more marks and bruises all over the teen's arms and face.

'Damn it.' Yoshino grit his teeth before glaring up towards the woman responsible for what he was going through, 'I'll tell her! I'll tell her! I'll tell her! I'll tell her!'

"You're not as cute as you think you are, Tsubasa-san." He slowly raised his aching body up again off the ground slightly.

"These three know that, too. The only reason they're fawning over you is because they think you'll let them bang you."

As soon as he finished speaking, another harsh blow was delivered to his already battered body.

End of Flashback

"Now to create the perfect human being!"  The male on the screen proclaimed holding a large syringe filled with a mysterious liquid in his left hand, dramatic music blasting in the background adding suspense for the movie scene.

"No way. She won't let us bang her at all. She's no good anymore." One of the high school boys said to his two companions, referring to the girl they were all with at school just hours ago.

'Stop talking.' The dark-haired teen thought angerly, still resting the side of his face against his fist.

"S- Stop it!" The actress screamed trying to yield away from the incoming syringe the man in the lab coat held but ultimately couldn't move due to her being tied down in a chair. "No!"

A phone belonging to one of the boys then rang, "it's Tsubasa."

Yoshino clenched his teeth in annoyance, 'turn off your phone!'


"What's up?"

The actress on screen released a blood curling scream from terror as tears uncontrollably streamed down her face.

"Right now? I'm free." The teen answered his phone, unaware of the patchwork curse that now stood directly behind the three high school boys.

"You three..." Mahito started to say.


"Need to mind your manners." He continued on grinning wide, placing his hand on top of one of the boy's face, disfiguring his skull as well as the other two high schoolers, killing them all instantly.

"There's no need to worry. Everything went well. It's all for the creation of the perfect human being..."

The dark-haired teen was left awestruck, the movie was now nothing of interest to him as he stared at the patchwork male's back.

Only once the showing room lights had come back on was when he noticed the  three disfigured bodies of his bullies.

"Wha... What is this?"

He asked no one in particular as he gawked at the unrecognizable bodies as a bead of sweat dropped down the side of his face and then he gasped, thinking back to the blue-haired male he noticed just a little bit ago.

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