Nineteen: Ice Cream and Anger Issues

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Me: idfk, black I guess cause you're fuckin' emo



Li: who tf is gregory

Randy: Knox is

Li: may I be so bold as to ask: why?

Randy: because his name and Gregory Gao's names got mixed up in first grade so for two weeks I thought his name was Gregory

Me: he hasn't shut up since
Me: I'm surprised you don't remember, though. we were in the same class

Li: I didn't run in your circle, that's all. dev had his group of friends, I had mine

Me: true. but yeah black I guess, Randy

Li: sure

Randy: aight


Li: we're here

I bolted out the door to my driveway to see Li's classic red Porsche. I waved and hopped in the backseat. "Hello."

"Hey. You look nice," Randy replied, reaching his hand for me. "Sorry you need to sit back there, I can come back if you want me to."

"No, it's okay. Don't worry. Where are we going?"

"Jeez, you're like an impatient toddler. We're going to Guiseppe's. You like Italian, right?" Li asked.

"Giuseppe's is so fancy, though. You didn't need to do that."

Randy smiled. "We want to. And hey, if you're gonna be grateful for anything, thank us for feeding you."

"Well, thanks for not letting me die of starvation."

"That's better."

We got to the restaurant and the waiter led us to a table. He brought us a plate of breadsticks, and then he was off. The three of us glanced at each other, not knowing exactly what to do next. Or, well, that was me and Randy. Li was looking at us in amusement. "Okay, I don't understand why you guys are having so much trouble with this. Don't you think I've seen you guys flirt before? You both turn on the charm very quickly, and you're good at it, too. Now talk like the other one is a cute girl instead of a cute guy. Easy peasy."

I clicked my tongue and reached for a breadstick. "But we already know each other, so it's not like there's any 'What are your hobbies? Who are your friends?'." Randy nodded. I wasn't shocked to see that he was having the same problem I was.

After another minute, Li sighed. "Fine. I like to debate, Randy likes to debate, you like to join in when you think there's a valid point you could make. So, my question for you: chicken or egg?"

"Chicken," I replied, but gaped at Randy when he answered the opposite. "Are you insane?"

"Chickens didn't come at the start of the earth. Just because they're ancestors of dinos doesn't mean they're actually dinos. Therefore, some other animals must have taken a trip to pound town, and bam, chicken egg," Randy explained.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with you on this one. You see, egg is sitting on the hen house fence smoking a cigarette. Another egg comes along and says 'Boy, you sure look happy. What's the occasion?' The egg smoking the cigarette blows a smoke ring and says 'I just got laid.' Bada-boom!" Li responded, taking a drink of his water.

"Everyone here has gotten dumber from what you just said."

"What are your guys' plans for the weekend?"

Dance With Me (Rich Kids, Book One)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz