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"You are absolutely out of your mind Jeong Jaehyun." I muttered looking at the said man who was leaning against the wall.

"Your text didn't let me get an ounce of sleep since I read it" he said flicking the ashes of the cigarette on the ground.

"Yeah I needed to talk to you about it but now it's- what? three fucking a.m Jaehyun!" I whisper yelled after checking the time on my phone, leaning against the wall beside him.

"Yeah well, the damn text is why I am here right now Kamou."

Hearing him call me by name surprised me a bit, cause I was always Kami to him. No one except him called me that, they thought it was a weird name.

"Need a drag?" he asked passing me the half-burned stick in my direction.

Taking it from his hand I finally turned towards him with my eyes closed, head leaning on the wall.

After taking a long drag from the stick I opened my eyes to see him already looking at me.

"You need to avoid talking about me to Han so much." I said letting out the smoke, with a small cough falling afterwards.

"Han looks up to you Kami. He talks about 'taking people to the court' as if it's a play date spot."

I closed my eyes again, trying to suppress the laugh bubbling up in my throat.

Feeling his hand graze over mine, I look him in the eyes.

"I will ask him to keep it a secret that we talk about you from Jaemin at least. I know how he might feel right now. I am sorry." He continued, now diverting his eyes away from me to our slightly touching hands.

Another small cough from me made him look up again.

"We ought to stop smoking now." I said trying to change the topic.

"Talk for yourself, love. I limited myself to two cigars a day for four years now although when stress gets to me I do lose count."

I felt Jaehyun's hand interlocking with mine.

This was so wrong, yet I didn't let go. Averting my eyes towards our now interlocked hands I spoke

"We tried to stop so many times, yet look at us."

"Maybe we are destined to not stop."

The words came out of his mouth in a whisper near my ears, making me look up only to feel our foreheads getting connected.

Looking into his eyes I could feel what he was implying but no matter what, this was wrong, so very wrong.

Him being my past lover did not justify our actions. It still was wrong.

No matter in what circumstances he got married or I got engaged. Us being together would mean wronging Yeomin, Jaemin, Yohan and so many more people.

Standing up from the leaned position I looked him in the eye for the last time, backing away from him.

"You should go, it's pretty late now." I said turning away to walk back into the house.

"Can I stay over?" asked Jaehyun, behind.

"No, Jaemin is home with me" I said, without realising how the words might have hurt him.

"Oh. I am sorry, I should really go now."

Biding goodbye I went inside the house.

In hope of getting some sleep tonight, I walked into my room ready to leap onto the bed.

Only to meet Jaemin's figure sitting on the edge of it with his hands covering his face.

wine stain;j.jhWhere stories live. Discover now