
23 3 0

Rolling down the windows of the car, I let that breeze blow my hair out of my face.

Driving down the highway listening to Cigarettes After Sex at midnight was my way of clearing my mind off dreaded thoughts.

you would use your songs to say the words you couldn't say

and every word you sang was about you and-

The ringing of my phone broke me out of my stance.

Glancing at the phone I saw Jaemin's name flash.

Ignoring the call yet again I looked at the road ahead which was starting to get slightly covered with snow by now.

there is no other love, it's only yours
you're all I want, all I love
& with cristal & pink champagne-

Another ringing of the phone made me grumble out a cruse.

"I am literally driving right now Jaemin, I am not dead but I'll be soon if you keep on calling!" I let out without even checking the contact name before picking up the call.

"Oh guess I called at the wrong time. Call me when you are home Kami, I just saw your text now." Said a raspy voice from the other side.

"It was nothing important, Hyun. Let's talk about it tomorrow. Get some sleep."

"Okay, sure- Wait are you listening to you're all I want?"

"Yeah, it started playing on shuffle maybe. Well, I need to go now, let's talk tomorrow. Night" I cut the call in a rush.

It was our song. He was the one who urged me to listen to their songs and as I listened I fell in love in an instant.

It was also somehow the song that led my mind to ease. Maybe because of the song or the person who introduced it to me.

The multiple dings from my phone indicated I got some texts.

Just a text would at least assure me you are okay Kamou.
Are you coming home?
I'm waiting to talk.

Reading the texts from the notification I started speeding up.

The road being relatively empty almost made me want to press on the gas a bit hard. Suppressing the urges I started slowing down remembering mamma's words before I left

"No matter what happens and what your decisions are me, your papa and Jisung will always be by your side, Voe. That's what families do, they support you."

I slowed down at the sight of my house and called Jaemin asking him to open the garage door.

Entering the house, I went straight to my room with the intention of freshening up. But the loud footsteps following mine made me rethink, knowing full well that the talk will take quite a lot of time.

"I called you over ten times yet you couldn't even bother to just answer it once and let me know you were at least okay?" Asked Jaemin in a slow steady voice.

"I was driving." I said sitting down at the edge of my bed looking up at his face noticing the dark circles under his eyes, the results of working late evident.

"Okay. Yeah true it can be risky to answer the call while driving. Sorry, I was being inconsiderate, I shouldn't have questioned-"

"It's fine I know you were just worried."

"Yeah, I was worried especially after that argument..."
He dragged his words looking down.

"I am sorry for that too. I was being absurd, getting worked up at the words of a kid" he continued.

Sitting by the foot of the bed holding my hands in his he apologised over and over again.

His words getting blurred out from the growing pain at the back of my head I stood up letting his hands fall off of mine.

"It's fine as I said. Everything is fine Jaemin don't worry about it." I let out giving him a little smile, ruffling his hair.

"So, if you will excuse me. I am in dire need of a good shower" I said going towards the bathroom.

With a small nod and smile, Jaemin exited my room closing the door behind him.

Getting out of the snow drizzled clothes, I got inside the shower. Letting the warm water relax my aching muscles and wash away the stress of the long day.

Thinking back to the fight I had with Jaemin in my office, made me furrow my eyebrows.

It wasn't Yohan's fault that his father talked about me to him or told him to come to give me some company. Children can never hide anything.

Nor was it Jaemin's fault for getting angry not at Yohan but his father. Cause who in their right mind would like to hear about his fiancee's past lover talking about her to his child.

Drying myself up I threw on a pair of joggers and a tank top, ready to dive into my bed. A knock on the door interrupted me from doing so.

"Come in" I shouted from my side.

"I am leaving, still got some files to work on. Eat something before going on hibernation mode Voe" Jaemin said, peeking his head behind the door.

"Okay, don't overwork though. Those dark circles aren't going to go away on their own. You need sleep!" I said getting up from the bed, going towards him.

"I will sleep after finishing one last document"

"You do you then"

Grabbing an apple from the fridge I walked towards the couch.

"An apple for dinner? Are you for real Yvonne Park?!" Jaemin exclaimed from behind me.

"Oh, you are angry." I said sitting on the couch, biting onto the apple looking at him with the most unbothered look.

"Glad you noticed. No, but are you really just going to eat just an apple now."

"I had dinner at my parent's before coming home"

"Okay then. Oh, and I need to ask you something." He said sitting down beside me setting my legs on his lap.

"Go on and no I am not going to the party the Choi's are holding. I will ask my secretary to send a gift instead."

"Right I almost forgot about that but no I was asking if I could stay over tonight maybe."

"Yeah sure. The guest room is all yours, feel free to use it any time." I said getting up.

"Thanks, Voe. And just so you know, you should attend the party. The Choi's are one of the biggest clients at your firm"

"No can do Jaemin. I am not going there just to stand and listen to the old man lecturing me about 'how a young lady like myself shouldn't drive or ride a bike'. That man is ancient for having thoughts like that!" I said almost yelling out the words.

"How about you just stay beside me and I can divert the topic to something else if he starts talking shit?" He offered.

Looking up at his face, searching for any sign of lie finding none I sighed.

"Maybe I don't know. My bed is calling me to make love with it now. Go to sleep after you are done. Don't overwork" I said turning away, striding towards my room.

I heard a chuckle leave his mouth, making me turn towards him.

"Good night Voe. Go 'make love to your bed' now." Said Jaemin laughing a bit too hard.

"Shut up you dork!" smiling, I entered my room.

Looking up at the ceiling I cuddled into my blanket ready to go into a deep slumber.

A ding from my phone made me reach for it.

I am outside. Can you come out for once?

Read the text, making me jolt up from my sleepy trance.

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