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"Johnny Suh how fucking dare you?"

"Good to see you too Miss Park." He said, chuckling.

Striding my way into his office, I slammed my hands on his desk enraged by his behaviour.

"You questioned a lawyer's capabilities by asking them to leave the case to their superior's hand. Do you have any idea how disrespectful that is?"

"I wouldn't have done it if you took care of it in the first place." He said, looking up at me from his seat.

"Every single lawyer in our firm is competent enough to take care of your case," I said standing straight with pride.

"But I want you to take care of this case, Miss Park." He said standing up from his seat and taking slow steps toward me.

"You are acting very unprofessional and childish right now Johnny."

He stood in front of me and pulled my cheeks making me let out a shriek of surprise and annoyance.

Laughing, he ruffled my hair up and went to sit back.

"You have grown a lot while I was gone Voe. But damn the venom-spitting mouth didn't change."

"Uh, you were gone for just four years-"

"And you got engaged in the meantime. Not to forget you didn't invite me!" He stated dramatically throwing his hands.

Classic Johnny and his dramas. Oh, I missed this.

"Can we talk about the case now?" I asked starting to get tired.

"We don't need to Voe. Please let Mr Park and Mr Lee continue working on it. Sorry for the inconvenience, I just really wanted to meet you." He said wiping his imaginary tears.

Cracking up at him a little I sat down on the seat opposite his.

"Your parents came to our engagement. Meeting them after such a long time felt so pleasant. Your mom is glowing John!"

"Yeah the last time you met them was at Jaehyun's wed- I mean y-yeah, you know. That day."

My smile fell at the mention of the day. But collecting myself I laughed it off.

"C'mon John it's been years. You don't need to walk on eggshells around me anymore" I said with a small smile.

"Yeah right, it's been ages already! Say Voe how about we go on a little shopping spree? Ask your fiancé to join us too!" Johnny proposed jumping up in excitement.

"Calm your ass down first." I said chuckling at him.

While taking out the phone from the purse, my pack of cigarettes fell out of it.

Picking it up from the ground he handed it back to me.

"You still didn't quit smoking?" He asked leaning on his desk.

"No, but maybe I will eventually." I answered, dialling Jaemin's number.

Nodding his head he went out of his office.

"Hey Voe, are you back home yet?" He asked after picking up the call.

"No, not yet. I came to meet a client, well a friend actually. Are you free by any chance?"

"Ah, I see. Yeah, I just finished working on some files, so I'm free for now."

"How about going out shopping? Johnny suggested it and he also wanted to meet you. So-"

"Yeah, sure I am up for it! Meet you at the mall?"

"Yeah! Meet you there. Bye," I disconnected the call after bidding him goodbye.

"Is he up for it? Is he coming?" Asked Johnny all excited.

"Yeah, he's coming." I said getting up from the seat and leaving his office, Johnny right behind.

"How is Jisung? I haven't met him in ages." Asked Johnny following me inside the elevator.

"He's doing good, well way better after dropping out from law school. He really didn't want to study there and I'm just glad he's getting to something he loves"

"Wait what was he majoring in again?"

"Dance." I said with a proud smile adorning my face.

No matter how much I and Jisung fight I will always be proud of him for overcoming so much pressure these past few years.

Forcing him into law school was one of the biggest mistakes our parents made. He was expected to be a lawyer like most of us in our family but that was never something he wanted.

He went into major depression and got frequent panic attacks during his first year. It took him two entire years to recover from the panic episodes all thanks to therapy and his love for dance.

I begged my parents to let him do what we loved rather than force him into that hell hole again. Law school was very tough and I could only imagine what he went through after being forced into it.

Jisung's love for dance saved him a big time.

"You must be proud of him?" Asked Johnny.

"Yes, very much so at that." I said.

With a ding, the elevator door opened and we went out.

"I drove my car here, do you wanna hitch a ride." I asked

"Yeah sure. My driver's on his lunch break anyway."

Striding toward my car we got inside and I drove us to the mall.

wine stain;j.jhOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora