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Talking to all these big business crowds was tiring indeed, especially on a day when I want nothing but to be in the comfort of my bed reading a book with a glass of wine in hand.

After talking to all the colleagues of our under residing firms and businessmen who just wanted me to take care of their legal disputes I finally went out to get some fresh air.

The chilly February air blew out my hair and made goosebumps rise on my skin.

Staring ahead of me, I drew out the box of cigarettes from my purse.

While lighting up the stick I heard footsteps coming towards me, already guessing who it might be from the rhythm of the heavy steps.

The footsteps stopped right behind me.

"Are you certain you won't regret this in the far future Kami?" asked Jaehyun in a slurred voice.

He was drunk. If not he was tipsy at most.

"There is no such thing as the certainty of future Jaehyun-ssi." I said turning around to look at him.

Looking up into his eyes I could see he wasn't exactly happy with the way the events were turning out, his loud champagney breath on my face proved my doubts right, he was tipsy.

"Yeomin is alone inside. You should go help her with Yohan" I said while taking the last drag, throwing the stick and stomping on it to put it off

"Drink some water you are already tipsy as it is"
I started walking away after saying that.

"I don't want you both to suffer like we are doing right now." he said holding my hand, stopping me from moving.

"Don't think of it as suffering. You have Han and he's nothing but a blessing Yuno. Go inside after freshening up, they are waiting for you."

Walking away from Jaehyun has always been the hardest part. And somehow it was always me who walked away for him to make the right decisions. It made me mad at myself, made me cry myself to sleep almost every night. Yet not once did I regret walking away.

I glanced back only to see him already looking in my direction.

I walked away, smiling at him.

"You were with hyung weren't you?" questioned Jisung at my arrival.

Nodding I looked for Yeomin.

"Have you seen Yeomin anywhere Sung? Is Yohan with her?"

"She was talking to mamma by the fountain and Yohan is with Jaemin hyung "
replied Jisung with his mouth stuffed with food.

"Sung don't talk while you're eating you hamster lookalike!"

"You asked me while I was eating. You would've gotten mad even if I didn't answer, what's the point of scolding anyway?"

"Just because you are taller than me doesn't give you the right to talk like this to me Andy Park!"

"Do not bring up the English names now Yvonne Park!"

"Look at you talking back! Where are your manners huh?" I said hitting his shoulder.

"I swear to God I will spill the chocolate on your dress-"

"Are you both really fighting right now? How old are you? 5? Park Jisung apologise to your sister right now!" mom said from behind us.

"But mamma she-"

"Right now!" Mom said in a strained voice.

"I am sorry for arguing noona."

Holding back my laugh I patted his back and was getting up.

"Where do you think you are going without apologising to your brother Park Kamou?" Mom asked, holding me back by my shoulder.

"I didn't even say- He disrespected me, mamma! I am older!"

"Still doesn't give you a right to hit your brother in a public space. You apologise and we are done here."

"I am sorry Sung-ah. I won't hit you in public space again" I said looking at Jisung.

"Oh, so you will hit me when we aren't-"

"Jisung it's enough. Your sister needs to go talk to Jaemin"

Of course, mamma can read me like an open book.

I bid them bye and started looking for Jaemin.

I walked to the balcony in search of Jaemin only to meet with his back facing me while he played with Yohan.

"So I see you are having fun without me Han"

"Auntie Voe no! He he kidnapped me" the kid said fumbling with words and pointing at Jaemin.

"Did he now? I am taking him to the court then" I said making the four-year-old's eyes widen.

"What if he didn't kidnap me and I was lying?" the fear in his eyes almost made me drop the act.

"Um then Mr Jeong Yohan has to go to the court for false accusation." I said kneeling to his height.

"Stop joking around Kamou you will make the kid cry." Jaemin exclaimed patting Yohan's back to comfort him.

The teary-eyed boy looked up at me and inquired in a soft voice.

"You really won't take me to the court right? Cause papa says whoever you take to court ends up in the jail because you're the best lawyer."

"Oh baby no I won't. Of course, I won't! I was just playing around Hannie" I assured him and embraced him.

The newfound information about his father talking to him about Kamou made Jaemin's jaw clench.

While Jaehyun's heart clenched at the sight of the three on the balcony embracing each other.

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