CHAPTER 70 ↠ family meeting

Start from the beginning

As he passes by a sitting Michael, next to Gina, Arthur purposely bumps into Michael's chair. And Finn, on his way to take a seat, slightly bumps Gina's arm, but makes no remarks to apologize, which Gina seemed to dislike.

Bea goes to the bar, where Aberama was, along with Polly and Jeremiah, and now Arthur, and makes a move to get to glasses, before Aberama forces her arm down.

"Who said you could be here?" he asks in a whisper.

Bea looks at him and smiles amused. "Mr. Thomas Shelby himself. Who else?"

"Why would Tommy want you in the family meeting?" Michael then asks loud enough for everyone to hear, making Bea turn to look at him.

"Because she's family," Finn says speaking up from his seat. "More so than you."

"I guess the Shelby has spoken," Bea says turning back to get the glasses.

"How? How are you family?"

"I've been cleaning up your mess ever since you came back from New York, you arsehole," Bea says calmly without turning. "And I've done a lot for this family, whilst losing my own," she says looking at Aberama.

She takes two glasses, plus a bottle of whiskey and goes around the table to sit next to Finn. Bea pours herself and Finn the whiskey and then, to be the bigger person, she pours Michael some, too. But then again, Bea wasn't interested on being the bigger person, which made her speak up again.

"You see, Michael... I didn't have to accept your marriage proposal to be part of this family," she mocks with a smirk.

Johnny Dogs laughs, Polly and Aberama chuckle a bit as well, already fully aware of the story.

"What is she talking about?" Gina asks.

"I'd like to know, too!" Johnny Dogs says, with opposite emotions to Gina, raising his glass.

"I'll tell you later Johnny," Bea says with a smile as she sits down.

"That's a nice necklace you have there," Michael points out.

Bea reaches a hand up to touch on the pearls against her skin.

"A friend gifted it to me."

"A friend?" Michael wonders.

"Yes, a dear friend. That despite everything he's done wrong, I still see him as a good friend. Anyways, I'm not God to judge his sins."

"Sins?" Michael asks with a chuckle.

"Oh, do you remember Jack Bradley? Surely you do," Bea then asks.

"Mr. Bradley, yes," Michael confirms.

"Did you know that he didn't lose a single pound with the Wall Street crash?" Bea asks with a proud smile. "You see, despite not being family, despite having nothing to do with any business I might have, Jack Bradley listened to me when I told him what was going to happen. Tommy told you, I told Jack Bradley... one didn't listen, held on and lost millions. Another did listen and lost nothing."

"And?" Michael asks, uninterested.

"Do you need me to tell you more? Well, then... I hope you can see how stupid you were when you decided to not listen to those who knew better."

The Golden Girl ↠ Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now