paranormal experience #18

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Don't touch me

By AanyaSharma798

Me and my cousin sisters were sleeping together (we actually didn't sleep XD) So we were in a room where me and my elder sister perform a lot of horrer rituals and stuff so... My elder sis was sitting on the couch and I was sitting on the bed with my little sister lying down beside me.
So at around 2:00 we felt this very eeire feeling...
And felt like someone was watching us
My big sister even claimed that she saw a figure in the corner of the room
... After some time the lights went off and my little sister who was lying beside my grabbed my arm tightly....
But something was very off about it as it really didn't feel like her hand...
Well i got up to switch on the lights and realised that my little sister was actually sleeping and my elder sister could have never grabbed my arm as we were sitting at a good distance from each other.
This all stopped once it was 3:00 am
And till this day we can't explain whatever happened that night... Especially who grabbed my arm.

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