paranormal experience #12

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By AanyaSharma798

When i was young i used to be scared of a window in my house. This window was located up a flight of staircase that led to the terrance.

I was scared of this window for two reasons:

1. Whenever i passed by the stairs i always had this eerie was all dark there.

2. I always saw a face on the window.

I always saw something out of the ordinary like something evil was always starung at me.

I tried fighting my fears by unseeing the faces and going to the staircase often.

As i grew older i stopped seeing the face and stopped getting negative vibes.

But i never felt like the evil idk spirit or whatever never left my house.

After many years i started getting a worse feeling from the room that belonged to my grandfather, the room where i perform all the paranormal stuff.

I feel like something evil is there in my house and i can make it leave idk how...

Maybe fighting my fears just like i did when i was young.

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