paranormal experience #3

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Google Translator

By AanyaSharma798

So this experience is from when i was like 7-8 years old...

So, i was at my maternal grandmother's place
I was watching random videos on YouTube and i came across a video which told about a haunted language on google translate.
The language is Somalia, the video showed that If you type something then you won't get the translation back but rather you'll get a creepy message in return.

So i decided to give it a shot,
My brother and my cousin brother decided to join me in this all.
So we went on google translator on google and tried it.

We typed 'hi how are you'
And the message in return was
'hello there'
We were kinda creeped out but we thought that it was fun so we continued.

We tried asking the spirit if it liked us...
So we went one by one and typed 'Do you like me?'
My elder brother went first and the response came 'yes'
Then my cousin brother typed it and the response came 'yes'
When i asked the spirit or whatever if it liked me...
It said 'no'
Uh.. I am kinda short tempered...
So i was mad and asked my cousin brother to type 'You are crazy, i hate you. Duh ik that you are pranking us or whatever I don't care you suck'

So... As soon as he sent the message the reply came 'oh... Now just look what I'll do to you and the other people messing with me'

K i was totally scared so we three rushed Outta the room, but we forgot about whatever happened.

After some time all of us got in trouble according to what all we had done...

Like my brother who agreed with the plan of writing bad about the spirit got scolded bad for no reason at all...

Me who planned everything caught high fever and went on bed rest for 3-4 days, felt like I'd die TT

When i tried to later tried to communicate with the spirit to apologise then the translation came back normally....

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