Clara steps a side, letting him pass before they all go back to their supernatural conversation. "As you were saying, you put Kai away?" Caroline says to the group.

"Kai killed 4 of our brothers and sisters to make a point, but he was really out to get Luke and Olivia." Jo explains.

"Why them?" Tyler questions.

"Because in our coven, twins are in line to be leaders." Jo continues, avoiding looking at Clara.

"Hence our lame name... Gemini." Liv says.

"Kai wanted to be the leader, but that wasn't possible if Luke and Olivia were alive." Jo clarifies.

"Aka our family wasn't  for Kai and didn't want to give him the chance to lead so they had little Luke and Liv here to take up the screwed up mantle." Clara chimes in.

"Good to see Kai's brainwashing is still in your head." Jo comments, finally looking at her again.

"You say brainwashing, I say being open minded." Clara argues back.

Liv glares at her, "He was a psychopath, so they sent him away. Kai went to his prison, Jo dodged a bullet, and now the leadership falls to us." Liv says.

"Oh lets not forget the aftermath of getting rid of his daughter. A scared little girl, ripped away from the only home she had known. A witch with out her coven." Clara brings up.

"You're not a witch." Luke argues back while Liv looks between the two conflicted.

"Just cause your coven tried to lock away my powers does not mean I'm not a witch." Clara says with pain in her eyes but doesn't shout or let her voice waiver. She holds her ground.

"Okay..." Caroline puts her hand on Clara's shoulder to move her away from Jo and the twins, and having her take a seat at the table. "Well, now that we've all gotten to know each other a little bit better, "she starts to cut the tension as everyone takes their seats again, "could someone please pass the dinner rolls?" she asks.

"Sorry that my family drama isn't appropriate dinner conversation, Caroline." Liv says getting up from her seat.

"That's not what I meant." Caroline says with a sigh.

"Liv-" Tyler says turning to her as she grabs her bag.

"Just... leave me alone." Live tells him before leaving.

"Okay. I think I may have missed something. If you and Liv can both be the leaders of your coven, why did she just get so upset?" Elena questions from across the table.

"Because there aren't two leaders, are there Jo?" Luke replies look over to her.

She sighs, "In our coven's tradition, after their 22nd birthday, the twins merge their strength. The stronger one wins, absorbing their twins power, and the weaker of the two..." Jo starts.

"The weaker of the two, what?" Tyler question wanting to know the truth.

"The weaker of the two dies." Clara cuts in causing Luke to get up and leave with tears in his eyes.


Clara and Caroline were in her room since most of the guests left already. "Today was a bust, but I'm glad you came." Caroline says as she sits on her bed.

Clara sits down next to her, "I came here to get away from family drama only to find different family drama." Clara jokes before giving the blonde a side hug, "But, I am very glad to be here with you." she says with a smile.

Caroline returns the smile, "Speaking of the drama, would you like to explain the whole 'my father Kai' and the 'witch' thing?" she questions, wanting to know what she had missed.

"That's a long story." Clara warns her with a sigh.

"I have time." she relies softly, placing her hand on Clara's arm.

"Well, you know I was pregnant." Clara starts off.

"Yes, Klaus told me and I'm kind of upset you didn't bring the little one." Caroline says a bit joking.

"Yeah, some issues are to blame. One, witches want to kill her for stupid witch reasons. It was a whole thing and they need to get rid of me without actually killing me to get to my baby." Clara tells her friend.

"What the hell is wrong with them to go after a baby." Caroline says softly.

"Yeah and they decided to put my spirit in that prison world Jo and the others were talking about. And that's were I was met with Damon, Bonnie, and Kai." she continues.

The blonde looks at her sadly. "How long were you there?" She questions quietly.

Clara shrugs and looks down at her lap, "I honestly don't remember. Time just felt like it was stuck in a bottle and I didn't know how to get out of it. But after lots of talk with Nik, we think I was gone for maybe 7 months." she tells her.

"Oh, my gosh... Clara..." Caroline says, moving to give her a side hug for comfort. "Is your baby okay?" she asks in a whisper.

"Nik says she's safe. I haven't seen her yet, but I trust him." she says in a whisper also.

"What's her name?" Caroline asks leaning her head on Clara's shoulder.

Clara smiles, "Hope. Her name is Hope."


1366 words

Woah, another cross-over?!

I'm here for the tension and the friendships.

Family tension do be high for now though.

Hope you've enjoyed!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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