Hongjoong ~Fainting~

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It was during practice the next time that I felt something off once again. We had a 10 minute break between practice to have a drink of water. I went over to my bag by the wall and sat down, leaning against it and letting out a puff of air. I grabbed my drink bottle and started gulping down my water. It was while I was drinking that the weird hazy feeling came back. I placed my drink bottle down in confusion and once again blinked a few times. I shook my head slightly but it went really fuzzy and I felt it loll back but I didn't even feel it hit the wall.

The second I opened my eyes, I found I was looking up at the ceiling and there were hushed voices around me. I moved slightly and realised my head was in someone's lap, that's why it was so cushioned. I felt panic bubble in my throat at the unfamiliar position, not understanding how I got there. I sat up quickly, my breath catching slightly as I looked around the room. Arms wrapped around me instantly and there was a quiet voice shushing me by my ear. Yunho.

"We're still in the practice room Hyung, you just fell asleep. We didn't want to wake you though," Yunho said softly. Ok, I'm fine, everything's fine, I'm still in the practice room. I tried to even out my breathing a bit but I was too confused and panicked as to what the hell was happening. I wasn't even tired. I just blinked and I was waking up in a different position. Seonghwa knelt down beside me and grabbed my hands in his, squeezing gently. It was calming and I managed to take a few deep breaths to keep calm. Once my breathing was even again, I let go of his hands and stood up.

"Sorry for falling asleep guys, I didn't even realise I did," I said quickly. I'm not even sure I actually fell asleep.

"That's ok Hyung, we know how hard you work so you're bound to get tired," San said with a gentle smile.

"Yeah, I was just a bit tired. Let's keep going," I said, giving them a small smile. I can't tell them about my concerns and confusion, they already have a lot going on, no need to stress anyone out even more.


The next day, I found myself seated in my chair, by my computer working at about 10pm. It's not late for me, by far not late in terms of the times I usually work for. I was making ok progress on the song I was doing when my head begun to feel that now slightly familiar hazy feeling. I shook my head a few times before trying to continue on with my work but my eyesight was fuzzy and I couldn't focus on any images. I grabbed my mouse and moved it to try and see if it was the screen that was unfocused but the haze turned into a small sharp pain and I closed my eyes quickly.

I opened my eyes once again to someone gently shaking my shoulder and I turned my head to see Maddox knelt beside my chair I was on. Wait Maddox? How did he get here? It wasn't hard to tell that I had blanked out again but this time it seemed like longer. Afterall Maddox couldn't have gotten here that quickly. I'm still in my chair which is a bonus and as I looked around, I noted my work was untouched from when I was last working. There was a tap on my shoulder and I quickly turned back to Maddox who was still watching me.

"You should go home Joongie, you're too tired," he said in a soft whisper, lifting his hand and running his fingers through my hair. My eyes slipped closed subconsciously and I leant into the soothing touch before I quickly caught myself. I pulled away and shook my head quickly.

"I'm fine, I'm not tired," I told him. Which is the truth, I really don't feel tired at all.

"Joong-ah, you're clearly exhausted. You work too much, too the point that you just fell asleep at your desk," he said gently.

"I didn't fall asleep," I told him. Again, the truth but he just raised an eyebrow up at me.

"You definitely fell asleep, given the fact that I just walked in and I found you asleep in your desk chair," he deadpanned. I sighed and turned away, biting my lip slightly in frustration. I don't understand what's going on, how this could be happening. This is the third time, clearly there's some sort of pattern or something? But what? What could cause me to essentially pass out. Maddox might have some answers.

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