xvi. the fucking french

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↳ the fucking french

(I can smell the 'oh my god it's Chalamet' comments already

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(I can smell the 'oh my god it's Chalamet' comments already...Here is Chalament...i...don't find him attractive not gonna lie, but here he is, Chamalet)

━━ ◦ 23 December 1752 ◦ ━━

Faith found out pretty quickly what she was getting into; well, if you call another eleven days stuck on that ship quick, which she does. She spent s bit over a week with her head down, not looking at anyone nor talking to them, only sharing 'pleasantries' with Guillaume, whose anger wore off in about two days. She held a terrible grudge against Colin during that time; she refused to look at him, or acknowledge him, he sold her out, and he even admitted to it. Bastard.

She exited the ship with Mr Agreste, His odour of shite and tobacco was masked slightly with orange-scented perfume, which was somewhat off-putting. The other off-putting thing was that he was dressed like a bloody french pansy, powdered wig and everything.

Faith recognised the language almost immediately once they were at the Port. France. France is what she was getting into. She did as she was told, keeping her head down, not making eye contact with anyone at the port, though she knew that even if she did they would shrug her off almost immediately, there were too many people here, it was too busy for her and even if she could escape, where the hell would she go?

The port smelled odd, not what Faith had expected France to smell like (a chamber pot that hasn't been emptied in weeks, but here it smelled strongly of fish and sea salt. She was pushed and shoved through the crowd by Mr Agreste until they reached a very fancy looking carriage which she was promptly shoved into and they look off.

They rattled down the road, the busy port and village swiftly turning into the French countryside. Faith shivered, she wasn't exactly prepared to sit in a freezing carriage for an extended period of time, going through the French countryside that too, was frozen over with snow and ice.

"Where are we?" Faith finally spoke, breaking the two hours long silence that covered them, She finally looked Guillaume in his eyes, but he didn't respond so she pressed on "I know we are in France, but where, and where are we going?"

Mr Agreste scoffed, looking out the window before turning back to her "We're in Normandy," He said

"Obviously. Where are we going, and how long will I have to sit here,"

"I do not know, eleven-twelve 'ours ride," He said simply, Pulling out a book and burying his nose into it, Faith wished she had a book too.

The young redhead slumped back in her seat groaning at what little information she got "Who is Oliver Hastings?" she asked after a long while of jolting down the road, Mr Agreste looked up from his book almost immediately looked up from his book, somewhat surprised.

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