v. young ian

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↳ young ian

CHAPTER FIVE↳ young ian

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

━━━━━━ ◦ 1752 ◦ ━━━━━━

Fergus Whisled approaching Milord's cave, as he walked in front of the entrance Jamie quickly grabbed him and pulled him in looking to see if anyone followed Fergus. "I was careful. Wasnt followed, but back on myself just like you taught me" Fergus said, Jamie looked at him sceptically before nodding, Fergus reached into his jacket pulling out Ians gun "I want to learn to spot Milord. Jamie looked at the gun the french boy held in his hands before looking back at Fergus and grabbed the gun

"Where'd you get this?" He asked chucking it on the floor and going back to cooking the fish he caught

"It was hidden in the dovecote" Fergus explained "I want to defend our home, I need to be ready"

"For what?"

"Uh...our next rebellion" Fergus said. Jamie stopped what he was doing

"There will be no next rebellion"

"But, Milord-" Fergus started to raise his voice, Jamie got up quickly and cut him off

"No more fighting"

"Just because your a coward now" Fergus shoved Jamie "Doesn't mean I am" Jamie grabbed the gun off the floor and handed it to Fergus

"Weapons are outlawed," Jamie said, Fergus grabbed it "Put it back where you found it. don't touch it again" Fergus stormed off doing as he was told.

Meanwhile back at the castle, Jenny started having contractions while she was in the garden doing feeding the chickens, Mary and Faith were quick to respond helping her inside and into her bedroom. Mary started rushing around grabbing things.

"Dottie, Call for the midwife," Mary said

"Who do I send to the village?" Faith asked before jenny groaned in pain

"Go to village yourself if ye must," Mary said

"Aye," Faith ran out of the room, quickly grabbing a horse and saddling it up, Fergus, who had just walked through the gate watched her confused as to why faith was in such a rush

"What're you doing?" Fergus asked

"Aunty Jenny has gone into labour early, I have to go to the village an' get the midwives," She said quickly tightening the straps

"They're allowing you to go into the village alone?" he asked, Faith, huffed

"Aye," Faith jumped up on the horse "They are" And with that, she took off, riding towards the village with haste. A little time riding later she made it to the village, Faith was rarely allowed outside of Lallybroch so she didn't know the village that well but she knew where the midwives lived having been here once before to fetch them for one of her Aunties previous children. she strapped her horse up and ran up to the house knocking on the front door, a young pretty looking woman opened, whom she recognised as Cecilia "Mistress Campbell, so sorry to bother ye this early but Mistress Fraser has gone into labour a week early and I was sent to get the midwives"

[Discontinued] the love of the earth || OutlanderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ