viii. new friend

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↳ new friend

CHAPTER EIGHT↳ new friend

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━━━━━━ ◦ Faith ◦ ━━━━━━

"Ok, now we've got ye sorted. We must continue working we have a lot of things to do," Mrs MacNee started walking out of the room but turned to look back at girls still standing there "We'll come on now," Faith nodded quickly following her. Mrs MacNee was right in saying they had a lot of things to do, Firstly we had to clean the rooms and make the beds of all the Officers, which isn't too bad but Faith quickly came to find that some of the officers had very specific ways they wanted their rooms cleaned and made. One of the rooms, in particular, wanted a certain scent supplied to the bed. Faith was put to scrubbing the floors with another girl who was older than Faith but still young maybe 12-13 ish. She had hair the colour of honey that was tied in a singular loose plait, her skin was lighter than her hair and she had a few scars on her arms that could be caused by almost anything.

"Yer new?" She asked not looking up from the area she was scrubbing "I havena seen ye around,"

"Aye," Faith replied

"Hm, Im Prudence Fyfe, but everyone calls me Prue," Prue said,

"Fyfe?" Faith asked, "Yer no' a highlander aren't ye?"

"Aye, " Prue said "Fyfe's of the MacDuff clan. From the kingdom of...well fife," They both chuckled

"If you don't mind me askin' how'd ye end up in the highlands? Why aren't ye in fife or the lowlands for tha' matter"

"My family had to travel into the highlands when I was only young before the Jacobite Rising. My Da fought and died at Culloden Moor. My ma canna go back she was barely welcome to the clan when my parents first marrit, shes from Sweden. An Outlander if ye will, now we're stuck here," She looked at the room "We have to work for the bloody men who killed my Father," Faith nodded "So how about you, yer new, how did you end up here,"

"I was captured by the Major-General yesterday," Faith said causing Prue to raise her eyebrows in surprise

"Why were captured, I dinna see why they would capture a young girl like yourself,"

"I-I'm Faith Fraser," Faith said quickly causing Prues eyes to widen looking up from her job

"Faith Fraser? Like Red Jamie Fraser?" Prue Whisper-yelled

"Aye, He's my da. Ye ken why I was captured then?" Faith sighed. Prue nodded "Don't think I'm ever getting out of here. they'll only hand me back if they find my father and I dinna think they'll find him," Prue just nodded again, the girls went back to scrubbing the floor wanting to get it done before their backs started aching too much from being bent over.

"So, what about yer Ma? Was she captured because of yer father too?" Prue asked

"I've never met her. My family doesna like to talk about her, I think she was English, which astounds me how an English woman would marry a Jacobite Supporter. I don't even know her name, my Dad gave me a bracelet when I was wee. It has him and my mother's initials on it, Hers was C.F. it was engraved in a bottle potion bottle, that's all I ken about her, she's dead" Faith said, Prue, gave her a sympathetic look. Faith didn't even realise she was crying. she quickly wiped the tears and went back to scrubbing the final part of it

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