Waiting Game

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Lauren's POV

It's been about 3 hours since everyone got the news of Hope and Toni near the edge of death. Jughead and Betty couldn't come to the hospital yet because they were still sorting things out with the FBI.

Yeah, they had to bring in the FBI because they would take it seriously unlike the police who were taking it lightly.

Anyways, right now I was laying on two connected beds with Cheryl on one side and Josie on the other. I wasn't touching them or anything but I let them use my body to get comfortable.

I had my hands behind my head but Cheryl had her arms tightly wrapped around me while Josie had her hand on my neck. She nearly choked me to the point where I couldn't breathe but then stopped.

Finding out the news, they cried for like an hour before they fell into a deep sleep. I didn't have any reaction because I'm not really one to show emotion. But I know I'm going to kill myself and beat both of their asses if they even try dying on us.

It is pretty hard for me to deal with this right now but I just pushed it down to be there for Josie and Cheryl especially.

We were sort of happy Normani was still sleeping so she wouldn't go all crazy over the news, especially with how close she is with Toni.

I sighed and shifted  my head to see Heather standing at the doorway. "Hey baby how long have you been there" I asked her as I tried sitting up. "No, you might wake them" she said, holding up her hand.

She walked over to the bed and gently brushed back Josie's hair before kissing her forehead and she did the same with Cheryl. She then crawled onto the bed and laid on me. "Damn look at you with 3  girls in your bed" she joked and I chuckled slightly.

"Well they are all taken but you are luckily mines" I said as I reached to bop her nose. "Mhm and I'm happy I am" she said as she grabbed my face. She leaned down to kiss me and we were kissing for a while before I felt something wet hit my face.

"Stop baby, what happened" I mumbled against her lips. "Everything has just been so chaotic. I know I'm perfectly fine but it's like everyone else is doing really bad. I'm happy I'm fine but I just wish the others were too" she said as her lips trembled. I sighed and reached to wipe her tears.

"All we can do is have patience and hope things get better soon. We all believe that Toni and Hope will make it because we know they are strong and they'll pull through. Now lay down and get some sleep. I know you've been awake for a long while now".

I pushed her head down to where her face was in my neck. Luckily Josie's hand was no longer there, she was now just hugging my arm.

"I love you baby" I whispered and I heard snoring in return making me chuckle.

I don't understand how someone can fall asleep so quickly. I looked at her and she seriously fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and looked up as I closed my eyes.

2 hours later

"Lauren" someone whispered for like the tenth time and I groaned as I opened my eyes. "What" I mumbled as I tried getting up but there was a weight on me. I forgot Heather was sleeping on top of me. I turned and saw Ally standing next to the bed.

"Whats up" I said as I tried stretching the best I could with three other people in the bed with me. "We got an update on Toni and Hope" she said and now I was wide awake. "What did they say" I asked anxiously.

"They say that it looks like they are in the clear now" she said and I smiled. The smile slowly faltered as she said "But..." "But what?" I said as I held my breath.

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