Chapter 20

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Masky laid on the couch, watching TV. It had been a few hours since you had run upstairs and he didn't bother to check on you. He kept trying to convince himself it was because he wanted an apology first, but in all reality he was too embarrassed to admit he had been angry for no reason. You had eventually fallen asleep on the floor of the bathroom, using two towels as a pillow and a blanket. You curled up into a ball and slept silently with tears staining the towel you were using as a towel. Masky eventually got bored, and decided to go to bed. He turned off the TV and walked upstairs, figuring you'd just be laying in bed.

He peeked inside his room and didn't find you, he walked back and checked inside the guest room not finding you in there either. He went to open the bathroom but found the door was locked. He sighed, grabbing a wooden skewer he kept above the door and sticking it in the hole of the doorknob to pick the lock. He slowly opened the door and found you on the floor sound asleep.

"You idiot, you're going to catch a cold sleeping on the tile floor..." He scooped you up into his arms, carrying you to bed. He set you down on his bed and pulled the covers over you. He sat on the bed next to you, putting a hand gently on your head, rubbing his thumb back and forth on the top of your head.

"I warned you when we first met, I'm not someone you want to be involved with." He laid down next to you, and stared at your sleeping form.

"You're such a baby you know..." He played with your hair, a somber expression on his face. He avoided looking at you, resting his head on his pillow, looking out the window.

"I'm a mess... all I do is hurt people around me."

Masky rolled over and laid on his back, staring at the ceiling. For the first time in a long time he finally had a chance to deeply think. It was quiet, dead quiet. He held up his hand and stared at it, the only light coming from the moonlight shining in from the window.

"Is this all I'm meant for? Hurting and killing people? Is this my purpose?"

He sighed, and looked over to you, and closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep. But guilty thoughts kept him up for a while. His eyes became heavy as he took one last look at you before he eventually drifted off to sleep.


You woke up the next morning, your eyes swollen from crying yourself to sleep. You had a pounding headache, and you noticed you weren't on the bathroom floor. You turned over to see Masky laying in bed beside you, facing away from you. The events from last night slowly trickled into your memory, and your heart felt heavy. You don't remember Masky ever yelling at you like that, and while you were certainly a tough cookie your husband yelling at you like that rattled you.

You didn't know what set him off, and felt badly that Masky felt so neglected. You wanted to reach out and wake him up, to tell him just how much you loved him. You loved Tim and Masky equally, the two of them both equally as lovable. You reached your hand out to touch his shoulder but hesitated. You retracted your hand, and laid back down in bed. You crawled over to Masky, and wrapped your arms around his waist, making him the little spoon.

"I love you, Masky." You closed your eyes, holding onto Masky's warm body. Masky was sound asleep, unaware of you clinging onto him. You desperately wanted anything from him right now. You wanted him to turn around and hug you back, kiss the top of your head, tell you how much he loved you. But there was nothing, just Masky's sleeping body. You held on just a little longer, hoping he'd wake up in your arms. He was a heavy sleeper, and you blame yourself for not remembering.

You got out of bed and changed into one of the forest green shirts you had been given from Clockwork. You slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans and walked into the bathroom to get yourself together. You put your hair up into a bun and brushed your teeth, lightly spraying yourself with some body spray. You walked back into Tim's room and pulled one of his hoodies out of the drawer, pulling it around yourself and walked downstairs.

Sunshine -Redux - (Masky x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon