Chapter 9

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Quick A/N:

WooHoo!! I finally finished revising the old stuff, from this point on everything written is fresh and new. Thank you so much for being so patient and  supportive of this story, I'm really excited to keep writing for you all! I'm so excited to share this with you all, please enjoy!! \(^0^)/


You and Tim finished your dinner in peace, without any further confrontation. You settled in one of Tim's guest beds, his room just down the hall. You laid in your pajamas, not being able to get the image of Tim's face out of your head. I guess doing everything he says helped when the guy you were listening to was hot. You felt your face heat up, as a red blush dusted your cheeks. You buried your face into your pillow. This isn't good, you always tried to be strong in every situation, but here you were developing Stockholm Syndrome for a totally hot masked serial killer who you've kissed only once.

Just a few weeks ago this guy was chasing you through the woods and holding a gun to your head, what the hell happened?

Tim laid awake thinking the same thing. He was supposed to be pushing you away, but there was something about you that was so endearing. Tomorrow he had to go cold turkey, but that would be difficult, especially since Masky was apparently so keen on talking to you. That was a whole separate issue, Tim knew Masky wasn't exactly a conversational person, or a pleasant one at that. What could he possibly want to talk to you about? He wished there was a way he could ask Masky, not that he would reveal that anyway.

He took a moment to consider what he wanted to do. He didn't really want to push you away, but getting attached to outsiders was strictly forbidden. It would mean you getting killed, and him getting his independence taken away, and he couldn't risk either of those things. As long as Masky doesn't get in the way of things, it should be fine. Hopefully.


You woke up the next morning, putting your hair up into a messy bun. You slipped on some clean clothes. A pair of blue jeans, and one of Tim's shirts he let you borrow. You brushed your teeth, and walked downstairs ready to start your day. You saw Tim already downstairs, watching TV. You got to work making some french toast for breakfast.

"Good morning, how are you?" You leaned back past the fridge, to try and take a look at Tim. But he didn't acknowledge you.

"Good." You rolled your eyes and went back to cooking, he was an enigma that one. One minute he was kissing you by candle light, the next he barely acknowledged your existence. You checked one more time, silently checking if Tim seemed angry, but he seemed perfectly fine. You went back to cooking, and put two slices of french toast on each plate. You turned around to call Tim to breakfast. "Tim it's breakfast is-" You turned around to see him directly behind you, wearing his mask. You shrieked, and threw your spatula at his face. It bounced off his Mask, and you immediately regretted it.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, you scared the crap out of me." You chuckled awkwardly, but he didn't say anything. He was wearing his mask, so you just had to assume this was Masky.

"Good morning Masky, are you hungry?" You tried to be as sweet as possible, and flashed him a wide smile. But he didn't say anything in return, he just stared at you, placing his hands at either side of you, trapping you between him and the counter.

"I made you some breakfast, in case you wanted some." Again you smiled, trying not to be confrontational. Finally he said something, breaking the eerie silence.

"We were supposed to talk yesterday, remember?" You nodded vigorously.

"I do remember, I didn't get the chance to and I apologize." Masky chuckled.

Sunshine -Redux - (Masky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now