take that shit fezco

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The only thing you wanted to do was try to understand her love for it

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The only thing you wanted to do was try to understand her love for it. What was it really like? "Hey! Y/N. I got the stuff you asked me." You turned around only to be met with Fezco's eyes. "Not here." You took him away from the party in one of the bedrooms at Mckay's house and you then started talking to him. "So you got me enough to feel what Rue feels but not enough to kill me right?" You asked making sure you were being clear. "Yeah, yeah." He put the drugs in your hand and you took your money out to pay him. "No. I won't take that. Just promise me to be careful okay? I have enough to deal with, with your girlfriend. Just don't tell her it was me who gave it to you." He smiled and denied your money. You smiled back at Fezco to thank him.

You let Fezco get out and you took the drugs. At first you didn't think it would be a good idea. But then once you took them your mind started reeling. Everything seemed so happier and brighter. It was paradise. You walked through the house with a big smile on your face and talked with people you didn't even know. "Y/N? What the fuck are you doing?" That was Lexi. Fuck. You were in trouble. But who cares. "Hiiiiiii Lex. I am so happy." She immediately saw that you were high with how you talked. But she wanted to be sure so she took a better look at your eyes. "What did you do... shit. We need to find Rue." She took your forearm and made you follow her. She knew Rue would be pissed. And Lexi also knew that Rue wasn't high because she stopped taking drugs two weeks ago because of you. Once you finally realized you were going to your girlfriend you started laughing. "Yayyy Rue!" Your head was a little bit spinning but who cares. "Lexi... what are you doing with my girlfriend?" She looked at you and her smile faltered. "What happened to her?" Worry was evident in her tone. "I think she took some drug or someone made her take them. The only thing that I know for sure, is that she would never act like this normally. I am sorry Rue." She took a good look at you and took you from Lexi's hand. "It's okay... thank you for bringing her to me Lex. I guess I'll take care of her tonight. Fuck. Her parents." Rue didn't know what to do. She couldn't send you to your parents like this nor could she tell them you were with her because they would assume the worst. "It's okay. I'll tell them she came to sleep at my place because we needed to practice our presentation last minute." Lexi was one of the best friend Rue could ask for. And it showed. "You're my savoir Lex. I'll pay you back, I swear."

Rue drove you and herself to her house and brought you to her room. Gia saw you guys entering and noticed how 'out of character' you seemed. "Is she alright?" Rue looked back at her sister and she didn't know what to say, so she just nodded. "She'll be ok." Gia walked back in Rue's bedroom five minutes later with two water bottles in hand. She took a good look at you and she knew what was happening. "I can help if you tell me what to do." Rue shook her head, still crouched in front of you who was sitting on her bed. "I need to handle this myself. But thank you sis." Gia got out of the room and Rue started asking you questions she thought you could answer right now. "Who made you take the drugs Y/N/N?" "I took them." "Yes. I know that... but who forced you to consume them?" "I did it willingly." You laughed. Tears were threatening to fall off of Rue's eyes. Was she starting to break you like her? "Why? Why would you do that?" You took her face in your hands and put a messy kiss to her lips. "To feel what you feel. To understand my baby." You smiled as if what you said was common sense. Your girlfriend only let tears fall off as sobs went out of her mouth. "Baby I-" Rue tried to say, but you yawned loudly and placed a peck on her cheek. "No talking. Wanna sleep. Good night." You removed your clothes only to be left with panties and placed yourself under the cover fastly. "Come sleep with me lover!" You said louder than necessary. Rue knew she would need to have a conversation with you sooner or later but for tonight, she knew how you felt under the influence of the drugs and the conversation wouldn't go far. "I'm coming Y/N."

"Wake up babe." Rue was patiently waiting for you to wake up so she could see what the damages were. Though she knew you would probably be just overly tired. "Hmmmm?" You turned your body to face Rue's. "we need to talk." You looked at her with wide eyes remembering what happened. "But first, my mom made you breakfast-" "Did you tell her what I did?" She nodded. "Omg Rue. Why would you do that?" "I needed to explain to her why I came in here with you being not like your usual self and you know she cares about you. My mom would never judge you, she wants to take care of you." Tears welled up in your eyes out of embarrassment. "What went through your mind though? How did you think it was a good idea to take those?" Your eyes met hers and you realized that she was in the same emotional state as you. "I thought that if I... that if I took them... I would understand your need for it. I just couldn't continue to feel so sad for you like that. I needed to understand why you did this. I don't blame you in any way. But the thing is that, I don't understand why you keep doing that to yourself willingly and I wanted to understand before completely judging you on that part." You looked at her and you knew she felt guilty just by the way her shoulders sagged. "Y-N... I am so sorry if I made you feel like you needed to do this for me. The only thing that matters, is that you love me no matter what shitty thing I did." "I love you Rue." "I love you Y-N" You looked at the breakfast and you suddenly felt really thirsty after looking at the orange juice, then your head started spinning. "I feel really lightheaded and thirsty..." "Yeah, I know... Just drink and eat and it should pass."

-The next morning-

After being cared for by your girlfriend you guys cuddled and shared a few kisses. Her mother and Gia came soon after asking you if you were alright and if you needed anything. You made small talk with them and had to go back home after diner. "Thank you Baby for taking such good care of me." You kissed her on the lips slowly. "No problem love bear. Now go before your mom arrives at Lexi's only to find you missing." " Alright, alright... But do not ever call me love bear anymore." She laughed and you flipped her off. Some days were rough being Rue Bennett's lover. But it was all worth it at the end

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