time for you fezco

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Y'know, you really couldn't say how it happened, or why, or even when, exactly, but it appeared as if Rue had abandoned you

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Y'know, you really couldn't say how it happened, or why, or even when, exactly, but it appeared as if Rue had abandoned you... At her dealer's house.

The two of you had been hanging out and she said she had to run a quick errand. Maybe it was stupid, or naïve, but you hopped on the back of her bike and didn't think much of it until... Well, probably about ten minutes ago, when you walked in the living room and she told you to sit and wait for her, that she'd only be a minute. You nodded, taking out your phone and beginning to waste time scrolling through Instagram.

A minute passed, then five... And then ten... And you waited patiently, occasionally glancing up and toward the doorway she'd walked into, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. You could hear vague parts of a hushed conversation taking place behind the wall, but not enough to make out what was being discussed, before there was the sound of a door clicking shut and a loud sigh. Now that, that made you a little nervous, but you still waited for her, albeit more hesitantly now.

"Oh, shit... You're Rue's friend, ain't you?"

Turning your head, you see a tall, ginger-haired boy standing in the doorway she'd walked into. He's got a lighter in one hand and blunt in the other, and he looks a bit surprised to see you sitting on his couch.

"Yeah..." You said nervously, trailing off. Were you not supposed to be here? Where was Rue? And who was this dude, exactly? You'd seen him hanging around parties a couple times, but never spoken to him or caught his name. "Where is she?"

"I dunno how to tell you this but, uh... She left. Like, a while ago, man." The guy scratches his head, taking a couple steps forward to look out the window, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "Yeah, she's gone."

What the fuck?

"Okay. That's great." You sigh loudly, collapsing back on the couch. Rue really just left you at a dealer's house, alone, with no way to get home. What the hell are you supposed do? Just sit and rot and wait for her to realize and come get you?

"I think you need this more than me." The redhead says, offering you his blunt. You nod, a silent thank you, before taking a hit, exhaling slowly. He sits down on the opposite end of the couch, clearly trying not to freak you out... More than you already were, at least, which you appreciated.

"Do you happen to know where she went?" You ask, glancing out the window. You could only see part of the road from your spot on the couch, but it was empty. No real sign Rue had even been there. But he shook his head. "She was my ride. I live, uh, over past the high school."

"Oh... Well, uh... If you wanna hang out, I can drive you home when Ashtray gets here." He says softly. You nod, passing him back the blunt. Silently, you question whether or not Ashtray seemed like a person or not, and what they'd done to get such a nickname, but decide not to ask. Some things were better left unsaid, at least for the moment. "My name is Fezco, 'case you were wonderin'."

"I'm Y/N." You can't help but smile slightly at his name. Maybe it was the weed hitting you already, but he was honestly pretty cute, and the name Fezco fit him well. "Good to meet you, Fezco."

"You can call me Fez." He offers, and you take the blunt from him again. "Did Rue, um... Say why she was here?"

"Said it was an errand." You say, glancing over at the window again. A car passes quietly and Fez looks hesitant, like he's skating across thin ice, trying to figure out what you do and don't know. "I know you're... You deal drugs, I think. And I know she has a problem."

He sighs lightly, like something heavy was lifted off his chest. "Yeah, didn't wanna say nothin', if you didn't know already. That's her shit."

You nod, leaning back on the couch. Honestly, it was comfortable, and you probably could fall asleep right now if you wanted to. Instead, you pull out your phone, staring at Rue's contact photo. For whatever reason, you'd left your phone on the table and she'd taken a quick selfie. Her hair was fluffy and wild from the rain that night and her eyes were bright and full of life, like they always used to be. She threw up a lazy little peace sign, a smile playing on her lips. That picture of her always made you smile.

After a moment, you put your phone back down, deciding not to text her after all. Honestly, at this point, you were curious to see how long it would take her to realize she'd left you. It had already been, what? A half hour? The mere absurdity of the situation made you giggle a little, which made Fezco shoot you a questioning look, his eyes soft and curious.

"Don't you think it's a little funny... She left me at her dealer's house... It's just a bit dum-, I mean, no offense. I got lucky, you're very sweet." You gesture down to the last of the blunt that rested between your fingers, realizing that the two of you had been absentmindedly passing it back and forth, like it was normal for you, like old friends. "But it is a bit crazy."

"Yeah." He laughs lightly, in a sad kind of way. "I'd tell you I'll talk to her 'bout it, but I think she needa hear it from you. She's family, but I can't fix her shit like that."

You nod, thinking. She's family. "Yeah. Probably for the best."

"You mad at her?" Fez asks, leaning forward to stub out the roach. You shake your head, and he responds quietly. "Yeah, I feel that."

"Why? You mad at her too?" It's his turn to nod, and you suddenly feel anxious, nervous that you had something to do with it.

"Not 'bout you, though, you're chill. Different stuff." He looks around the room, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. He flips through a few channels for a moment before deciding that this one would be good background noise.

The living room is big, you think. There's a second couch to your right, and a coffee table loosely scattered with trinkets and an ashtray rests in front of you. A couple blankets were tossed across the furniture, but not messily. It's quite cozy, and somehow, it felt safe. Like nothing bad could happen to you in this moment, as you sat on Fezco's couch, high as a kite on a Thursday afternoon. Ironically enough, it was like you could finally relax.

The two of you sit in a comfortable silence for a while before the door opens, revealing a little kid, backpack slung over his shoulder. Fez smiles softly as he sits the bag down by the door. They talk for a moment, but honestly, you weren't listening to their conversation.

A minute later, Fez says your name lightly, getting your attention. He reaches his hand out and you feel comfortable to take it. He says goodbye to Ashtray, who gives a quick thumbs up as he goes down a hallway, before leading you outside and to his car. Strangely, it feels weird to leave, but the drive home is comfortable and quiet. The radio is low and the two of you make casual, lazy conversation.

"Thank you, for driving me home. And for letting me smoke your weed." You laugh, and he smiles for a moment.

"Don't worry 'bout it. You're cool." He looks over at you and you feel the blood rushing to your cheeks. His eyes are back on the road within moments, but you bring your hand to cover your rosy cheeks anyway. "Might gotta do it again, if you have time."

"I think I can make time for you, Fez."

Maybe, just maybe, Rue accidentally leaving you with Fez hadn't been so bad after all.

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