lexi howard secretly in love

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"Lexi, why are you acting like you are scared of seeing my reaction to the play? I'm sure it will be great! And if not, I won't judge you

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"Lexi, why are you acting like you are scared of seeing my reaction to the play? I'm sure it will be great! And if not, I won't judge you." Y/N looked at Lexi properly, turning her whole body so they could face each other as they sat on the outside bench at the school gates on the school night before a big performance.

They've been friends since preschool and though they haven't had that much in common, it hasn't stopped them from becoming good friends. They talk about everything from music to their favourite Disney movies, even things as inconsequential as favourite animals.

They sit and listen to music, watching shows and reading books, sharing secrets or just hanging out when Y/N is working after school.

Lexi has been trying to come up with an excuse to tell her about the play as they've been sitting like this now for a good fifteen minutes and they have yet to get anywhere with their conversation.

Her mind seems to have frozen as soon as the words were spoken and she's stuck here now, giving her best friend an awkward smile, palms sweating slightly and she fidgets with her fingers.

The sky is dark, the moon has already set hours ago and there's no stars visible in this area. There isn't any light pollution either so the only source of illumination in this part of town is their street lights and a few dimmed streetlamps scattered throughout the city.

She can see the faint outlines of trees around the corner, casting shadows across the asphalt road, and there are people walking and laughing as they walk along the edge of the street towards the school.

It's one of those nights where there were many cars parked all around the parking lot for Lexi's play: Our Life.

The air is cool, a gentle breeze ruffling the hair of the two young girls, but neither girl notices.

Y/N, however, notices every little thing. From the way Lexi is twisting her hands together, fumbling around in an attempt to formulate an explanation, to the way her eyebrows raise ever so slightly as she watches the people walk past. To the small crease between her eyes when she thinks hard enough.

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