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the party was way too loud for you, it made your head hurt just being there

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the party was way too loud for you, it made your head hurt just being there. something about the sweaty bodies, weed, and alcohol not feeling right with you.

so you decided to take a walk, a nice breeze of air coming your way as you walked. you didn't leave far from the house the party was at. you heard a sza song being played as you kept walking. at this point you wanted to walk home and forget about this night completely.

you had drinks, and weed at home so why didn't you decide to stay home? reason being was because the man you had been infatuated with for months was there, and you wanted to see him. but not the way you saw him today, that not what you wanted to see.

him gripping some girls hip while they swayed along to the upbeat music, it made you stomach churn and heart hurt. while you were walking you crossed paths with the infamous nate jacobs.

"hey [name] why ain't you in the party?" he looked down at you while you kept look down at your shoes.

"i'm just, uh not in the mood. i think i'm gonna head home." you said quickly trying to get him out your hair as quick as possible.

"let me walk you, we live near each other-"

"no no thats really not necessary" you hoped that would get him off your tail.

"i insist, your mom would kill me letting you walk home alone dressed like that" referencing to your very revealing outfit.

"uh okay. thanks." you both walked side by side on the side walk. you were tipsy to say the least maybe even a little drunk. you hadn't smoked enough to be high.

"so uh, where's maddy?" you asked trying to start up conversation.

"probably fuckin' some dude right now, we split. it was for the best." he did wanna give too many details, obviously as it was his personal life and you respected that.

"why'd you walk out the party?" he questioned looking over to you and seeing you expression change.

"uh the boy i've liked for a little was dancing with someone else. to the looks of it i lost my chance tonight." trying to lighten up the mood with the little joke, made you both giggle.

"well it's his loss, you're honestly a pretty cool girl. we never talk or anything but i see you around school often." he said trying to make you feel better and it did.

"thank you nate, it means a lot"

"anytime [name]" you both walked in silence, it was a comfortable silence.

you had arrived sooner than expected to your house, he stopped at the door step.

"hey uh i know this is weird but would you like to smoke with me? i have some weed upstairs and i don't wanna smoke alone." you honestly wanted company you hated being alone, it made you feel empty.

"yeah yeah, yo is it cool if i invite someone? i swear she's chill." you nodded your head as you let him in.

"yo cassie, i'm with [name] and they got some weed. if you wanna join you can, they said it's alright." he spoke into the phone, hearing cassie yell an okay before hanging up.

"oh i know cassie, me and her have math together." you said while walking up your stairs to your room.

"so you'll get along with her just fine!" he said sounding happier.

once getting into your room, you turned your led light on turning them to a pink color. you slipped your dress off to reveal a pair of shorts and a tank-top underneath. nate looked shocked at first but then he relaxed.

"what? jacobs you didn't think i was gonna strip in front of you right?" you laughed which made him laugh in return.

you opened your dresses to reveal the tube of weed you had, grabbed it and sitting on your bed and patting a spot next to you.

"yo next to you is rolling paper, hand it to me please." you said with the softest voice. he handed you the paper and you got to making the joint.

"so you do this often?" he asked watching you lick the paper to stick it together.

"what smoke? oh yeah all the time, since i was like 13" you said finished the joint up and grabbing you lighter from your bed.

"no i meant invite strangers to smoke with you" he said and you giggled

"i mean yeah, you're a chill guy from what i've heard. haven't really heard much about you except from my ma, you know she only speaks good of your family." you said as you lit the joint

taking a swift drag of it, you could see you mind getting much more relaxed that it was 35 minutes ago. you passed the joint to nate so he could take a hit.

"do ya mind if i play music?" you asked to which he shook his head no.

in response you turned on your alexa and connected it to your phone, playing the same some you heard at the party by sza.

you guys sat in a comfortable silence as you passed the joint back and fourth. you started feeling higher and higher with each pass, because that's what weed did obviously.

"so, who your mysterious boyfriend [name]?" you looked up at him since you did hear him and he repeated the question.

"oh oh! his name is fez, we have been dating for like a couple months now." you frowned thinking about him right now.

nate froze hearing the name but relaxed when the weed kept hitting his system. he could barely think straight so he laid down on your bed, half lidded and giggling coming out his mouth.

"so what's up with you and maddy?" you asked with the joint in your mouth as your pulls became longer and longer.

"uh there alot going on i just- i love her man but she gets me so mad. like unbelievably mad sometimes and i just lose it. i go crazy on her, i know it's all my doing but i wish i could stop you know? sometimes i feel bad but others i think she deserves it." he ranted on, you barely listening and nodding your head, the only thing on your mind was fez.

"i think you guys should try couples therapy, it worked for me and fez. not that he used to hit me or anything but my anger issues used to get in the way of everything. i just snap and start yelling and shit, so it helps." you said, you wouldn't deny you were hard to deal with.

you would never hit fez, never in a million years. he's your boyfriend, you baby, he means too much to be doing that weird shit. not that you would do it to anyone you were with.

"i don't know man... maybe i'll think it over." he said and closed his eyes.

soon he fell asleep on your bed and so did you, you smoked half the joint yourself. your stress kept acting up because of fez, you loved him but god did he get you crazy.

the morning after you woke up to nate on your floor and you on the bed without a blanket because nate's big ass took them all.

you kicked nate softly to wake him up.

"yo what time is it?" you looked over to you alarm clock and it read six forty-five.

"six forty-five, you good? stealing my motherfuckin' blanket last night" you laughed and he just groaned

"look i gotta get going or maddy is gonna be up my ass, maybe we should do this again you're pretty cool [name]" he said as he got up from the floor and stretched

"yeah definitely, now get outta here big guy i need sleep." you both laughed and he walked out your room.

you turned over and looked at your phone, you have over a hundred calls and texts from fez, fuck.

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