perfect match rue bennett

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"y/n, get up," elliot nagged, yanking the covers off of you

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"y/n, get up," elliot nagged, yanking the covers off of you.

"what is it?" you whined, glaring at your best friend.

"i have someone coming in like ten minutes. get your ass out of my bed," he said.

"who?" you asked as you got out of his bed, rubbing your eyes in attempt to wake yourself up a bit more.

"you don't know them," he said.

"well yeah, no shit genius," you retorted.

"rue, you'll like her," he explained as you helped him make the bed again.

you walked into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat from the fridge, leaning against the counter as you ate.

"we're probably gonna take some stuff, you want in?" elliot asked, joining you in the kitchen.

"sure," you shrugged, the door bell ringing seconds after.

elliot rushed to the door and you could hear them talking to each other, though the voices were muffled from the distance. you heard their footsteps approach the kitchen and soon elliot was leaning on the kitchen door frame.

"rue, this is y/n. y/n, rue," he introduced quickly.

you had to admit, you didn't think they'd be so pretty. you let your eyes graze over her figure, lingering on her face as they stood awkwardly in oversized clothes.

"hi," you smirked as you made eye contact.

"hey," they said shyly, averting their eyes.

elliot began to walk to his room, but you and rue didn't even notice as you studied each other carefully.

"you guys coming, or what?" elliot called from halfway down the hall.

"uh, yeah," rue answered, pulling her eyes off you and walking to the room, you following.

"mi casa es su casa," elliot said in broken spanish as he gestured to his room before putting on some music.

you were the last to enter, shutting the door behind you before taking a seat next to rue on the floor, muttering a quick "you mind?" first. elliot opened his drawers, rummaging through the clothes before pulling out a small bag of weed along with some rolling paper. he rolled a joint, handing it to you with a lighter. you flicked it twice before the flame lit up. you brought the joint up to your lips, then the lighter until the end caught. you inhaled promptly, letting the smoke out seconds later. you felt yourself relax more as the drug took effect in your system.

you held it across your chest and to rue, her gladly accepting it, taking it from between your index and middle finger before putting it between her own. they took a hit before returning it to you, the smoke flowing out of their mouth.

"so, do you live here?" rue asked you.

"yeah, with elliot," you answered, still passing the joint between the two of you.

"huh," she nodded, "were you at the new years party?"

"nah. parties aren't really my thing when i don't know anyone there, you know?" you responded.

"yeah, i get it," rue answered.

"so how did you two meet?" you said, motioning between rue and elliot.

"i found him in a laundry room doing drugs," she shrugged, giggling slightly as she looked back at the moment, the weed clearly having taken effect.

"sounds like elliot," you laughed.

your conversation was interrupted when you heard elliot swear.

"what is it?" you asked.

"don't worry about it. i'll be right back, keep talking," he said before exiting the room.

"so, uh rue," you began, inhaling from the blunt.

"yeah?" they answered.

"you got a boyfriend?" you asked, exhaling the smoke.

"nope. i had a girlfriend, but she left me for another woman and moved to new york," she confessed.

"aw man, that sucks," you said, putting your arm over her shoulder in a somewhat comforting way, rue leaning into it, their head now on your shoulder.

"yeah," they muttered lowly.

you stayed like that for a while, letting the music consume the silence of the room. soon, rue cleared her throat, bringing your attention to her.

"so, um, are you like," rue began cautiously.

"you know, like," they stuttered nervously.

"gay?" you laughed, turning your head to face her, your noses now almost touching and your lips a mere inches apart, "yes."

with that, you put your finger on her cheek, pulling her face up gently. you ran your thumb over their bottom lip gently, just barely touching it. rue looked up at you, eyes full of desperation as you smirked at them. finally, you leaned forward, closing the small gap in a kiss that began soft and tender. it quickly turned more passionate as they tried to pull closer, though it wasn't possible. your tender kiss was now a mini make-out session, not that either of you were complaining.

your moment was interrupted when elliot pushed the door open suddenly, you and rue jumping apart.

"got it," elliot said as he swung a baggie with some pills around before realizing what was going on.

a smile came across his features and he laughed, heat rising to your cheeks as rue tucked her head into your shoulder.

"i told you you'd like her."

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