lexi howard secretly in love

Start from the beginning

All these details that Y/N doesn't normally pay attention to, but which stand out to her now and then like this.

"You know, you don't have to tell me, obviously. You said it was going to be a surprise and I trust your judgement, whatever you choose to do." Y/N says reassuringly, breathing out before continuing.

"I mean, today is the day of the play! Honestly, I am quite excited to see it with Rue-Bear, she even said that she would be coming along to cheer you up." Y/N comforted her friend, rubbing circles into her arms to ground her in reality.

"I...I don't want you to think I'm crazy."

Lexi finally manages to choke out.

Her voice trembles as she says it and Y/N's hand drops back to her lap. She knows how nervous Lexi gets whenever she has to tell Y/N something big. Something she's never even told her friends about, something that could potentially ruin their friendship.

When Lexi looks up at her best friend, Y/N is unfazed but a soft smile plays on her lips.

This is one of those moments when you know someone really, really cares about you because their eyes are filled with fear and their body language tells you everything without needing to ask.

"Hey. Look at me." She says gently, her thumb strokes the top of Lexi's hand as she replies,"I would never. I swear to God Lexi, you aren't crazy, you know I wouldn't think that of you. Now go to your theatre. Be brave. I want you to get that bag, purrr. Do you understand me, purrr, purrr."

With that final word and the sound of Y/N's cat voice, Lexi breaks out into laughter and wraps her arms around her best friend. She buries her face against Y/N's neck as she laughs hysterically, tears forming in her eyes but they quickly disappear under her lashes.

Y/N tightens her grip around her as they stay like that for a while, just enjoying the moment, until Bobbi calls from behind them, calling for Lexi to hurry up because the play needs to start on schedule.

Laughing, Lexi reluctantly pulls away, tapping at her lower eyelids with her palm to avoid smudging her eye makeup. She takes a step toward the entrance, glancing at Y/N, who gives her one last smile and thumbs up.

Lexi smiles back and starts to jog toward the backstage of the theatre with Y/N trailing closely behind her as she goes her away to the seats, seeing Rue in her assigned spot already, waiting patiently.

"Rue-Bear! You made it!" Y/N greeted happily, taking a seat next to the brunette.

Rue laughs softly and shrugs, "I couldn't let myself miss the show. After all, this is an opportunity to see Lexi perform, right? So why not?"


"Wait a minute? Is that supposed to be me? This can't be happening." Y/N said to herself in disbelief as she turned to look up at Lexi from her position on stage, watching the girl which Lexi was supposed to portray walk down the centre with the girl which she believed was supposed to be 'Y/N', herself.

In fact, this girl's character reminded her too much of herself, even the scene where she played 'Raven' reminded her of her own character.

The situation felt like déjà vu.

Y/N's burned at every corner of the stage, watching as her own character, Raven and Lexi spoke their lines, their bodies moving together perfectly as they performed the story together, acting like they were truly meant to be together but in a platonic way.

"Hallie, he's weird! He is like some sort of fuckin' creep. You know that through Marta!" Y/N's character, Raven, said with disdain towards Cassie's character, Hallie who was in front of her, daydreaming about her best friend's boyfriend 'Jake'.

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